
Open Post of the week: What's on your mind?


Hello y’all.

Welcome to Wednesday and that little post we like to call ‘open’. It’s named as such because there is no set topic of conversation at this party. You can come here, kick back, and talk about whatever might be on your mind.

Couple of things on my mind today.

1. Autumn. This is without a doubt my favourite season of the year. I love the crisp mornings, the changing colours of the leaves, and the fact that I can pull my big winter jumpers out of storage.

2. The Mamamia radio show, Mamamia Today. I know I’m biased but the more I listen to that show, the harder I laugh. The chemistry between host Dave Thornton and Em Rusciano has got to be up there with the likes of Hamish and Andy.  If you’re looking for a 3pm kick, try the show. It’s on Austereo stations in capital cities around the country.

3. This magazine that arrived in the Mamamia office yesterday.

It’s a magazine called Young Vagabond and it’s been made and produced by a couple of twenty-somethings from Melbourne. Ashleigh Grogan is 23 and Haylee Collins is 25.

We love it because the star on the cover – Brenna Harding from Puberty Blues – looks happy and healthy. And not at all airbrushed. And we love it because there’s a story about feminism next to a story about women in Guyana, which is next to a story about how to buy an outfit for less than $50.

4. The victims and families of the Boston Bombings. Absolutely tragic.

Now that’s it for us. Over to you now… What’s happening in your world?


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Pregnancy Loss Australia 11 years ago

Pregnancy Loss Australia is holding a very special memorial walkathon on Sunday My 5th in Brougham gardens Nth Adelaide South Australia. A fun filled day for all with great entertainment, excellent children's activities, great food and fabulous market stalls. The highlight is the very special balloon release in memory of all the babies a sight not to be missed as well as a surprise launch announcement ! We hope you will join us..

M 11 years ago

So excited my extremely annoying flat mate is moving out. Desperate to stay in my apartment and live by myself. I lived alone for 4 months last year and loved it, but it was a tight 4 months financially. I know probably can't do it forever but need a break from sharing. I feel like at 32 my days of share house living are over! Anyone have any tips on how they afford to live alone? Second jobs perhaps? Would love to know!

intern 11 years ago

If you have a skill like hairdressing or being insanely awesome at cleaning, you can always make use of some of those as a second job. Maybe you're great at Maths and can help out someone younger with their homework. It's a great way to have a second job that you control the hours of.

Zoee (MM Intern)

Guest 11 years ago

Why don't you rent the room out occasionally on That way you have the place to yourself when you want but can make some money when you need it. Plus you get to meet lots of great people and if they're from overseas, most are, they're out all day and night touring the sites.

I've been doing it for seven months and it's been fantastic. Just make sure you check out their profiles, I found that older people don't get the "share accom" concept, they're more likely to expect it to be a BandB. but younger people anything 45 under totally get the concept.