
The X-rated Kmart toy that gave this unsuspecting mother a fright.


Walking around Kmart, you just never know what trendy gadgets are going to catch your eye. Which often makes the trip so exciting

But one Queensland mother got a huge shock during her last visit to the popular retail store when her three-year-old daughter innocently brought her a toy. Picked up from the kids’ section, the child showed her mother her squishy discovery.

But the mother quickly grabbed it out of her daughter’s hand upon first glance, as the toy looked rather X-rated. The supposed children’s toy, well, looks like a very different kind of toy indeed.

Sharing her experience in a Kmart Facebook group, the mother shared a photo of the penis-shaped toy… wrapped in some blue material.

The post in the Facebook group quickly amassed a lot of likes and comments from fellow parents laughing at the bizarre toy.

Although the photo was reportedly taken down by Facebook, the toy is from brand Orb Odditeez and called a FuzionFoodz Squishy Toy. And it costs just $5.

A quick search will show there's a whole range of toys that look very similar, and yes, all look like a penis. Although the actual purpose of the toy is unclear.

There's an index finger (pictured above), a corn on the cob and a number of colourful bananas.  They all look very questionable for a kid's toy. And a lil' bit inappropriate.

We would have loved to have been a fly on the wall during that design meeting.

They talked about the X-rated toy on The Project on Thursday night with co-host Celia Pacquola pointing out how times have changed, saying "When I was growing up we just had magna doodles."

"I feel like [talking about this] we're going through a minefield on pogo sticks," laughed panellist Rachel Corbett.

Well, Kmart once again has delivered a viral item, but this time for an... unusual design.

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Top Comments

scotpens 5 years ago

To a small child, that thing probably looks like an oddly colored banana. That's what it looks like to me, at any rate. Jesus Christ on a pogo stick, some folks nowadays have REALLY dirty minds!

random dude au 5 years ago

I read the headline about toys and an unsuspecting fright - damn, I thought it was about Lego on the floor at 3.00 AM