
Don't worry, ladies: A man has crunched the numbers on how many tampons we should be using.


A random man on the internet is here to tell you exactly how much periods cost, and hallelujah we are saved.

It seems we’ve been overspending on tampons this WHOLE TIME. D’oh!

He purports to know exactly how much blood each woman sheds during her period and Good Lord mansplaining has reached a whole new level.

A whole new level of hilarity, in this situation, because it really is quite amazing how entirely wrong he is.

Firstly, it appears he does not know how many months there are in a year.

Secondly, he is seemingly unaware of the fact that one should most definitely avoid keeping a tampon in for an entire 24 hours.

And thirdly, it is abundantly clear he has never spoken to a woman in his entire life.


“So the average period is between 10-35ml of blood, each tampon holds about 5ml, so 7 tampons per cycle,” he began.

“Lets be generous and say 10 for those ladies with an extra juicy uterine lining (sic).”


“9 periods per year = 90 tampons max.”

And sorry, what? That’s not… right.

He went on:

“You can get a 64 pack on amazon for £7.90 plus shipping. Buy two packs, save on shipping and have 128 tampon for the year, thats about £20 here or their for a years periods (sic).”

And the pièce de résistance:

“Cut down on your starbucks venti frapps and stop whining.”



The Twitter responses were exceptionally vicious. Women of the internet, we applaud thee:

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Top Comments

mc 5 years ago

The man is an idiot.

random dude au 5 years ago

For sure. But it's twitter with 60 million people posting and many are idiots.

When was the last time you read a twitter comment that made you sit up straighter in your seat and consider they made a good point about what they have to say.

Sometimes I think twitter was only invented to give blog sites cheap fodder for stories.

fightofyourlife 5 years ago

I genuinely read several intelligent comments on Twitter every single day. I usually only see the really stupid comments in articles like this one.

Rush 5 years ago

Oh good grief. I don’t know what to say. Who are the lucky bastards having a 10ml period? And 9 periods a year? Hope this guys not an accountant with those maths skills!

Snorks 5 years ago

I reckon he stuffed up his maths somehow (obviously), like no period 3 weeks out of 4 = 75%, 9 months out of 12 = 75%.

Also, actual proper use of the term mansplaining!

He is correct in that the 'normal' amount is between 10ml to 35ml, according to the Centre for Menstrual Cycle and Menstruation Research.

Rush 5 years ago

His ‘calculations’ of course don’t take in to account that many women have ‘abnormal’ periods - perhaps he is unaware that conditions like endometriosis exist, or that women’s cycles can be shorter than the average 28 days, leading to more periods per year. I wonder how this conversation even got started, what prompted this outpouring of mathematical brilliance? And yes, classic mansplaining!

Snorks 5 years ago

He did say he was calculating using the average, then bumped it up a bit.

Given his last comment about how women should cut down on their Starbucks i would assume it came from a discussion with someone on the cost of tampons.

Daijobou 5 years ago

His logic and hygiene standards are also questionable. Even if you only had 10ml of blood over an average cycle you still wouldn't just leave the same tampon in for 8 hours! The average cycle is 3-5 days so he is only allowing 1-3 tampons a day. Argh so gross.