reality tv

Brooke just made a very telling interview blunder that proves Bachelor rumours to be true.

To keep up to date with The Honey Badger, AKA Nick Cummins, and all the best Bachelor 2018 news, cast and roses, check out our Bachelor hub. It’s a blast.

According to Google, the noun spoiler can be defined as a person or thing that… spoils… something.

(Um, cheers Google).

Awful definition aside, this post is an ENORMOUS BACHIE SPOILER, so please, click away now if you are an innocent Channel Ten viewer hoping to feel genuine suspense at the next rose ceremony.



Are they gone?

OK, good.

With just days to go before the big Bachie finale this Thursday, the spoilers are coming in so thick and fast they’re practically hitting us in the face.

But this one has slightly more legitimacy to it than most… Because it’s come from an actual contestant who’s made a bit of a boo-boo.

Look, we have heard only whispers of the never-ending list of rules reality TV contestants are expected to follow, so we totally understand how easy it would be to accidentally slip-up.

And boy did Brooke slip-up.

In an interview with NW Magazine, the Perth local accidentally spilled the beans on her departure from the show this week and there’s a terrible joke I’m trying really hard not to make but I just… can’t… help… it.

Oh no.


Moving swiftly on.

Speaking to the magazine, she said: “I don’t do things by halves, and the ‘L’ word means a lot to me. There was a lot of potential for the relationship…"


Desperately trying to back pedal, she added: "Or there is, sorry."

Oh Brooke.

The accidental admission comes just days after leaked behind-the-scenes photos depicting Brooke saying an emotional farewell to the Honey Badger at Bachie HQ. You can squiz 'em here.

An anonymous source also revealed that Brooke leaves the mansion of her own accord, and isn't sent home in the rose ceremony.

A friend of the 23-year-old social worker's said she walked out because she couldn't see it going anywhere with Badg.

“Brooke left because she was just not falling for him,” the friend said.

While we know Brooke is definitely leaving this week, we still don't know for sure how or why she leaves, so that's something ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

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