real life

An awkward confession from Em Rusciano.





Lets get straight into this, no faffing about: I am socially awkward.

Actually, awkward doesn’t do it justice. Inept, incompetent and negligent are better words to use.

At parties, I require a high-vis vest/flashing light with a recorded voice screeching  “Warning, do not approach this nunce. She will have you wallowing in a pit of uncomfortable soon after”.

Mia knows all about it, she once told me she thought I had “situational dysmorphia”. She was bang on.

This may surprise those of you who follow my words, songs and performances but it is bloody true.

If I am with a group of people I know, I can function at a level that would pass as normal social behaviour. I can make eye contact and I can keep the self talk to a barely audible level. (There have been occasions where my personal pep talks to “just RELAX Em” have been heard by those within a 5m radius.)

But I dread unfamiliar social situations. I desperately try to avoid them.

Give me a stage, a mic and a room full of people and I am fine. Writing, easy. Radio, perfect. One way communication under the guise of entertainment suits me swell. Put me among strangers in a small room and I suddenly become Rain Man, only far less cool than Dustin Hoffman and without the genius maths abilities.

The majority of my stand-up comedy is me spewing my weirdness for an hour, singing some tunes and everyone feels okay about it. Unfortunately when I’m in a one-on-one situation I forget that people don’t want to hear about the songs I cry and masturbate to. Sigh.

Let me explain.

To compensate for my awkwardness I either go one of two ways, and they are the extremes of each other.

I sit silently hoping to not draw attention to myself by avoiding eye contact and movement (potentially coming off sullen and rude).

Or I overshare in an attempt to win that person over through familiarity (potentially coming off as bat shit looney).

I was sitting with some women from Beyond Blue (who I’m doing some work for) and became anxious in the silence.

Adele was playing in the background so I blurted out, “What would broken-hearted women do without Adele, huh? I know I cry and masturbate to her often”.

It was a joke, but they were clearly uncomfortable – as most rational people would be. You probably would have stopped your blabbering about touching yourself there, right?! Well not me, of course not, why would I?

I then proceeded to launch into a diatribe about how a person’s self pleasure soundtrack spoke volumes about their personality and then surveyed the group all on their music choices during private time.


I lie awake most nights torturing myself over that particular day’s exploits.

I have not made one friend at my kids’ school because I just don’t know what to say to the other mothers. I tried once.

Oh God, it was terrible.

One of the mothers had been getting treatment for breast cancer. She is a lovely woman. I wanted to offer to help her with her daughter, should they need it. Instead I managed to tell her my Grandfather had just DIED of cancer so she should… you know… try and get better.


As soon as I arrive at functions, I want to leave. I am always the first to do so.

The instant I make an appointment, I start thinking up ways to get out of it.

The worry is so overwhelming when I enter parties, that I get sleepy.

I have found one way around it. I BYO human buffer, or as I call them “charisma shields” to social events. A charisma shield is a close friend who is aware of your strangeness, and stays near you at all times deflecting approaches with their small-talk-prowess.

Dave Thornton is one of my charisma shields. He is the most socially competent person I know. Watching him in action is truly majestic, he weaves in an out of conversations with such skill.

He doesn’t deeply engage a person (the goal of small talk) but still maintains a level of depth, pith and wit.

The funny thing is, this doesn’t happen with kids. I am most comfortable around small people. I seek their company out. I actually request to be placed on the childrens’ table come festive holidays. I’m sure there is a deep psychological issue at play here but lets not open up that bottomless abyss.

I want to get better at this, I truly do.

I know I am missing out on some marvelous humans, so the first step was to acknowledge it out loud. As I always find, containing my worries to language gives them some boundaries. Sometime I allow them to rattle around in the corridors of my mind for far too long.

Writing the above admission has not been the cathartic experience I had anticipated. I feel anxiety over my anxiety, because that is what it is. Labeling myself as “socially awkward” is a jazzy way of saying I have anxiety, I’m aware of that.

Are any of you, like me? Feel free to tell a tale of awkward below, it’ll be good for a laugh. WITH you, not AT you.

Okay, a little bit AT you, but it will come from a place of understanding.


Em Rusciano is a comedian, singer, writer and entertainer. She previously hosted the popular Mamamia Today afternoon program on the Austereo network. You can follow her on Twitter here and take a look at her website here. You can also find her Facebook page here

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Top Comments

Jasmin 11 years ago

Oh yeah! Can totally relate. I have said some of the weirdest things to people in the heat of awkwardness. I once said to my boss who had just got a spray tan before going on holidays, "um. What's with your face"? Not- oh there's something different about you, have you had a haircut? No- it was "WHATS WITH YOUR FACE"? Oh god, awkward level 100. And I also have severe inability to rectify awkward comment once it's out. I'm too busy dying inside and just kind of abruptly fade away into the background.

Erin 11 years ago

Have you read much about Aspergers? This table may be of interest to you - I cab very much relate to many of your posts and can't help but wonder if you're aspie too....