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Taite Radley has back-flipped on an important stance he revealed in Bachelorette's finale.

During The Bachelorette finale Ali Oetjen became a little bit concerned when Taite Radley told her he “can’t commit” to marriage and kids.

“When I first came to this whole experience I was looking to find love,” he nervously told Ali. “But all these other things I didn’t think about, marriage and kids, I just feel like I can’t commit to that.”

He did clarify that they were things he saw in his future – but it was Ali’s “timeline” that made him scared.

Of course, it didn’t matter too much in the end because the 32-year-old chose him over Todd King, who was about to propose.

And it seems that her gamble may have just paid off, because Taite appears to have changed his tune on the whole marriage and kids issue and has gone from ‘not sure’ to ‘can’t wait’.

Speaking alongside Ali on KIIS FM’s Kyle and Jackie O Show Friday morning, the 28-year-old sounded like a man not afraid of commitment one bit.

The radio hosts pushed the couple on where they plan to live and Ali confirmed they were deciding on a city but taking that step soon.

“We’re both wanting to move in together ASAP,” Ali said next to a seemingly in agreement Taite.

When asked if he would move from Melbourne to Ali’s hometown of Adelaide, Taite told Kyle Sandilands and Jackie Henderson: “I’ve picked up my life for work so… I’d happily move to Adelaide.”

Picking up on Taite’s brand new I’m-so-ready-for-commitment vibe, Kyle enquired whether the bank manager wanted to get married and have kids.

“I do. Of course, I’ve always wanted to,” he replied. “But it’s making sure it’s with the right person.”

Jackie asked if Taite now knew that Ali was the right person and he told her: “It feels like that, yeah.”

Well, what a difference two months makes.

We unpack all the drama from Ali’s last week as the Bachelorette on our Bach Chat podcast. Post continues after audio. 

The couple seemed very much in love during their radio appearance, as well as in simultaneous Instagram posts they shared Thursday night after the finale aired.

Taite told followers that Ali was “the reason why I have been so happy”.

“Now everybody knows,” he wrote. “I love you and I can’t imagine a day I won’t.”

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