real life

Brace yourself for the energy and fun of Sagittarius season - but there's just one problem.

After an emotional, introspective and brooding Scorpio season, Sagittarius season is here to liberate us.

From the period of November 22 to December 21, we’re all going to be feeling the influence of the zodiac’s most open-minded, idealistic go-getters, with varying results depending on your sign.

Speaking to Mamamia, astrologer Pia Lehmann describes our Sagittarius friends as “the archer” of the zodiac.

“Imagine a bow and an arrow. They are the seeker of the truth, they want the big picture, not the small details.

“You often find they make good politicians.”

According to website Astrology Zodiac Signs, people born under the sign are “generous, idealistic and possess a great sense of humour” and highly value their freedom and love to travel.

On the down side, their idealistic, independent and strong-willed nature can also be their greatest downfall. For example, they’re not exactly ones to tell white lies in the interest of keeping the peace. Just think of our favourite celebrity Sagittarius(es) like Taylor Swift, Miley Cyrus, Nicki Minaj and Chrissy Teigen. See???

But what about Mercury Retrograde during Sagittarius season?

There’s just one little caveat, with Mercury Retrograde in full swing from November 16 to December 6.

“The negatives of this would be you speaking the truth and having somebody not take it well. Or you exaggerate things and blow things out of proportion,” says Pia.

“Try to go over things twice, go and check things again to make sure you haven’t produced any flaws.”

However, once Mercury Retrograde ends it’s party time and Sagittarius season does not discriminate. All signs will feel this much needed injection of positivity and optimism, but especially those with their sun and rising signs in Sagittarius.

“After December 6 [Mercury Retrograde] you’ll feel much more present. At the moment you might feel like you’re constantly going over things in the past, but this will end,” says Pia.

Just remember to be respectful of other people’s opinions as you enter the silly season.

Do you believe in astrology? Why or why not? Tell us in a comment below.



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