
The reason Emily Skye is defending her "saggy, wrinkly belly skin" photos on Instagram.

The thought of any woman having to justify the way her body looks after giving birth is laughable.

But… nah. All of our bodies, whether they’ve grown a small human or not are fair game

One such person is Aussie fitness entrepreneur Emily Skye. Skye has made a point of being brutally honest with her followers about her ‘post-baby body’ since giving birth to her first child Mia in December, 2017.

The social media influencer shared images of herself throughout the process of regaining her strength and fitness, regardless of whether her body looks ‘Instagram appropriate’.

But on Thursday, the 33-year-old shared a side-by-side comparison photo addressing claims she’s been photoshopping out the loose skin around her stomach seen in her previous social media posts.

“Saggy, wrinkly belly skin – sometimes you can see it and other times you can’t,” she captioned the images – one without sagging skin and the second, with.

“A lot of ladies have been asking where it’s gone in some of my pics & videos & some have accused my of photoshopping it out. I just wanted to show that how I stand, whether I’m flexing & what light I’m in either highlights my excess belly skin or hides it! – And I don’t mind either way which is why I post both (sic).”

Skye went on to explain that she’s proud of her body regardless of the way it looks because it gave her what’s really important, her daughter.

“I grew a human in this belly & the whole process into motherhood has made me SO much stronger and also so much more confident in myself and my body. I couldn’t care less whether the stretched skin stays or goes! It’s such an insignificant thing in my eyes.”

“Ladies please stop being so hard on yourselves, nobody is perfect and having some extra skin, stretch marks, cellulite or whatever else doesn’t make you any less beautiful or amazing!”

On a platform where perfection is held up on a pedestal, we’re thankfully to see skin that looks like human skin, sagging, dimpled, scarred or however it may be.

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