
"Why do you chew so loud?" 23 memes that perfectly describe self-isolation with your partner.


Being in a long-term relationship or marriage can be challenging at the best of times, but when you’re stuck inside the house together during self-isolation and can’t meet up with anyone else, things definitely start to… take a toll.

Yep, once you spend 3765 waking hours with someone (okay, it’s not actually that long) you start to learn a lot about your significant other.

Things you once found cute or quirky now become the bane of your existence. Small things like the way he eats loudly, that subtle whistle sound he makes when he sleeps, or the way he helpfully leaves the empty toilet paper rolls next to the bin instead of in the bin, all become inexplicably irritating.

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You also might find yourself arguing over small things purely because you’re bored, like the name of the actor you saw in that movie that one time or the right way to pronounce a word. The list goes on.

And while being able to be in isolation with your partner is a privilege, having to spend 24/7 with your partner isn’t exactly something we’d ever expected to be doing.

But at least we’re not alone, plenty of other relationships are going through same… unique challenges.

So to make us feel better (and give us a much-needed laugh) here are 23 of the best memes that perfectly sum up what it’s like to be in isolation with your partner.

Feature Image: Getty/Twitter

How are you and your partner handling isolation together? Let us know in the comments below.

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