real life

Oh. Barry has shared school canteen prices from 1978 and our minds are blown.


A man named Barry Porter has shared a 1978 canteen price list and we would like to transport back in time and buy 400 sausage rolls, please.

The image, which Barry shared with the ABC Mid North Coast Facebook page, tells us that a) pineapple donuts were once a thing (no… thanks) and b) a flavoured milk cost 27 cents.

A pie sold for 35 cents, and a hot dog a very specific 32 cents.

We like that the section for ‘Cakes’ takes up more than a quarter of the menu.

The most expensive item sold by the 1978 school canteen was a salad roll, which set students back a whole 40 cents – an amount that today we would likely debate whether or not to pick up off the floor if we dropped it. 

Today – 40 years on – a sausage roll costs $2.80 at Ramsgate Public School in NSW, 12 times the price of 1978.

Chocolate milk costs $1.80, which is only SIX times the price of 1978, and therefore an absolute bargain.

LISTEN: Holly Wainwright and Andrew Daddo discuss the school canteen on Mamamia’s parenting podcast, This Glorious Mess. Post continues below. 

A paper bag at Ramsgate Public School will cost you 10 cents, which could buy you an entire bread roll in 1978.

In 2017, canteen options include salads, wraps, fried rice, spaghetti bolognese, sushi, noodles and banana bread which were all very absent in the 1970s.

It seems we’ve grown out of devon and apple turnovers which is probably for the best.

Going by this rate of inflation, kids 40 years from now will be buying a sausage roll for $33.60.

Goodness. That is one very expensive lunch order.

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Top Comments

Ally 6 years ago

I can remember getting a lunch order of two party pies for about 40c each and a fruit box for 50c back in the late 80s. Our school was small, so we had to order the day before we wanted it so they had time to get in the right orders.

Charging for sauce though, pft.

fightofyourlife 6 years ago

"pineapple donuts were once a thing (no… thanks)"

Eh, fine - your loss! Pineapple donuts are still a thing and they are an amazing thing at that.

Ally 6 years ago

Anything pineapple is the best. The pineapple squares in a bar of Snack, pineapple ice cream, pineapple vodka. Mmmm.

Rush 6 years ago

Did you know there a whole block of the pineapple snack now? I think it’s called Tropical Block or something like that. They don’t sell it everywhere, but omg it’s good! Also, you left Pineapple Lumps off your list!

random dude au 6 years ago

I'm making 6 phantom accounts just to give this the up-votes it deserves.

KM 6 years ago

GET OUT!!!!!!!!!!! are you for real????? I must find it.