real life

The best apology letter ever.



Former Seinfeld star Jason Alexander was on a late night television show recently when he called cricket ‘gay’. He even did an overly-effeminate rendition of the bowling action to make his point.

“You know how I know it’s really kind of a gay game? It’s the pitch. It’s the weirdest. It’s not like a manly baseball pitch – it’s a queer British gay pitch,” he said.

Then some people on Twitter told him they were offended. After initially denying he’d said anything offensive, Jason went away and thought about it. And then he issued one of the best, most considered apologies ever. Here is a (slightly) edited version:

“A message of amends.

Years ago, I was hosting comics in a touring show in Australia and one of the bits I did was talking about their sports versus American sports. I joked about how their rugby football made our football pale by comparison because it is a brutal, no holds barred sport played virtually without any pads, helmets or protection. And then I followed that with a bit about how, by comparison, their other big sport of cricket seemed so delicate and I used the phrase, “ a bit gay”. Well, it was all a laugh in Australia where it was seen as a joke about how little I understood cricket, which in fact is a very, very athletic sport. The routine was received well but, seeing as their isn’t much talk of cricket here in America, it hasn’t come up in years.

Jason Alexander

Until last week. When Craig mentioned cricket I thought, “oh, goody – I have a comic bit about cricket I can do. Won’t that be entertaining?”. And so I did a chunk of this old routine and again referred to cricket as kind of “gay” – talking about the all white uniforms that never seem to get soiled; the break they take for tea time with a formal tea cart rolled onto the field, etc. I also did an exaggerated demonstration of the rather unusual way they pitch the cricket ball which is very dance-like with a rather unusual and exaggerated arm gesture. Again, the routine seemed to play very well and I thought it had been a good appearance.

Shortly after that however, a few of my Twitter followers made me aware that they were both gay and offended by the joke. And truthfully, I could not understand why. I do know that humor always points to the peccadillos [sic] or absurdities or glaring generalities of some kind of group or another – short, fat, bald, blonde, ethnic, smart, dumb, rich, poor, etc. It is hard to tell any kind of joke that couldn’t be seen as offensive to someone. But I truly did not understand why a gay person would be particularly offended by this routine.

However, troubled by the reaction of some, I asked a few of my gay friends about it. And at first, even they couldn’t quite find the offense in the bit. But as we explored it, we began to realize what was implied under the humor. I was basing my use of the word “gay” on the silly generalization that real men don’t do gentile, refined things and that my portrayal of the cricket pitch was pointedly effeminate , thereby suggesting that effeminate and gay were synonymous.

But what we really got down to is quite serious. It is not that we can’t laugh at and with each other. It is not a question of oversensitivity. The problem is that today, as I write this, young men and women whose behaviors, choices or attitudes are not deemed “man enough” or “normal” are being subjected to all kinds of abuse from verbal to physical to societal. They are being demeaned and threatened because they don’t fit the group’s idea of what a “real man” or a “real woman” are supposed to look like, act like and feel like.

For these people, my building a joke upon the premise I did added to the pejorative stereotype that they are forced to deal with everyday. It is at the very heart of this whole ugly world of bullying that has been getting rightful and overdue attention in the media. And with my well-intentioned comedy bit, I played right into those hurtful assumptions and diminishments.

And the worst part is – I should know better. My daily life is filled with gay men and women, both socially and professionally. I am profoundly aware of the challenges these friends of mine face and I have openly advocated on their behalf. Plus, in my own small way, I have lived some of their experience. Growing up in the ‘70’s in a town that revered it’s school sports and athletes, I was quite the outsider listening to my musical theater albums, studying voice and dance and spending all my free time on the stage. Many of the same taunts and jeers and attitudes leveled at young gay men and women were thrown at me and on occasion I too was met with violence or the threat of violence.

So one might think that all these years later I might be able to intuit that my little cricket routine could make some person who has already been made to feel alien and outcast feel even worse or add to the conditions that create their alienation. But in this instance, I did not make the connection. I didn’t get it.

So, I would like to say – I now get it. And to the extent that these jokes made anyone feel even more isolated or misunderstood or just plain hurt – please know that was not my intention, at all or ever. I hope we will someday live in a society where we are so accepting of each other that we can all laugh at jokes like these and know that there is no malice or diminishment intended.

But we are not there yet.

So, I can only apologize and I do. In comedy, timing is everything. And when a group of people are still fighting so hard for understanding, acceptance, dignity and essential rights – the time for some kinds of laughs has not yet come. I hope my realization brings some comfort.


Now, that’s what you call being humbled. Kudos, Mr Alexander, kudos.

So here’s the question: when have you ever been guilty of making or believing in stereotypes about people? And when have you been wrong?

Top Comments

anon 8 years ago

On the fence about this, his apology was very eloquent and well articulated and I do see the argument made there, also don't want to make gay people feel bad, but on the other hand I think a lot of comedy is, unfortunately, about making fun of stereotypes, and one of the reasons is that there is some truth to stereotypes. For instance a lot of Italians eat pasta, a lot of British like fish and chips, a lot of Aussies like beer, so if we make jokes about some bogan aussie swilling beer most of us would laugh because we know there are Aussies exactly like that, even though I don't personally drink beer I acknowledge the stereotype exists. And I think in some ways we do need comedy to acknowledge these stereotypes exist and make fun of them because it sometimes highlights an issue within our societies, e.g. our drinking culture can cause issues, just as the British obsession with bad food causes some of them health issues. But naturally not everyone is like that, but comedy highlights the issue and makes us laugh at our society and sometimes ourselves.

And the cricket is something that makes me laugh too because it is so upper class English with the white uniforms etc and everything is a bit prissy. (yes that's probably an insulting word too)

I do agree though there is really nasty comedy, but I feel like there is a fine line that exists between making gentle fun of people and being out and out prejudiced, and it's difficult to know sometimes where to draw the line.

Anon 12 years ago

My kids trefer to bad things as being "gay", should I reprimand them or just let them be with their teenage talk?

Brittany 12 years ago

I'm 19, and up until a few years ago I used to refer to anything 'bad' or 'lame' as 'gay'. It wasn't until my boyfriend of the time pointed out that I was applying negative connotation to homosexuality that I realised how immature and ugly it made me look and feel.

Unfortunately it had become a habit by then and a few nights later at the video shop I exclaimed that a particular movie looked 'really gay' and turned around to see two homosexual women looking very unimpressed and somewhat uncomfortable. Needless to say I have never said it again and whenever I hear my friends saying things are 'gay', it sounds disgusting and very ignorant.

So yes, I definitely think you should say something to them - approach it gently and explain that it is demeaning homosexuals. Use my slip-up as an example of how embarrassing it can be. Do whatever you can to make them understand that it is just not okay.

Leah 12 years ago

I think you should say something, yes. Even if it's just to ask them why the see 'gay' as synonous with 'stupid' or other negative words. Whilst I'm sure they mean no harm, their words do have the potential to harm, and at their age especially to perpetuate stereotypes.