
When it comes to your career, this is the best way to work.

When I started working at Mamamia, we had to sit a “job fit assessment” test.

It was intended to find out our strengths, our weaknesses and what we ate for breakfast three weeks ago (this last part may or may not have actually been part of the assessment).

I was fairly worried that it would somehow reveal I was a psychopath (a fear that I later found out was shared by many of my co-workers) but I also had a much bigger fear – that the test would recommend I don’t work in a team.

Because I know I don’t do well working solo. I get restless, huffy and angry, and not only do I somehow get more distracted, I know the work I produce isn’t as good.

And I know it’s not just me. There are many people out there who just aren’t suited to working by themselves.


Just as an FYI, you should know that this post is sponsored by Tech Trades Navy. But all opinions expressed by the author are 100% authentic and written in their own words. 

I also know that there are many, many benefits from working in a team. Here are just a few of the reasons why I turn up my nose at working solo:

1.You can make friends in a team.

This isn’t always guaranteed, but it’s much more likely to happen than if you’re working by yourself. The people you work with will probably have similar interests to you because you’re both working in the same area.

Plus, even if you don’t make friends in real life, you can at the very LEAST add them on Facebook.

2.You don’t have to talk to yourself.

I don’t have much experience working by myself, so I can only assume this is what must happen. How else would you problem solve issues you come across and discuss what you’re having for lunch that day?

Related: Holidays? Ugh. I can’t wait to go back to work.

When you work in a team, the people around you have to at least pretend to listen to your musings on life.


3.You can accomplish much more.

As the old saying goes, “two heads are better than working by yourself”. Or something.

I believe the saying means that some pretty great things can be created with the brainpower of multiple people working together. Not only this, but you can usually get through more work when you have more people working. Shocking, I know.

4. Others can inspire you.

If working together doesn’t result in something great from you, just steal the ideas of someone you work with instead.

Related: The 6 things I miss about working in an office.

I kid. But it can be incredibly inspiring to see what others can produce when faced with the same problem, and learning from this can inspire your own work in the future.

5.You can tap out when it gets too much.

Having a supportive team can allow you to take a load off when you need to. This of course isn’t a standard rule, but can be a really nice by-product when you have a supportive group around you.

Obviously, working by yourself has benefits. You won’t lose your stapler to a sticky-fingered thief and you can be completely confident that your lunch will remain untouched in the fridge. But personally, I find there is a very necessary “I” in team where I feel I belong.

And I should note that, perhaps unsurprisingly, I got a 9 out of 10 in group-oriented personality in the test for Mamamia, and have worked in a team ever since. As it should be.

Do you prefer working solo or in a team?

Take a look at why teamwork looks so much fun. 

Teamwork in Films and TV shows


The Royal Australian Navy has a host of diverse roles available for both men and women who are looking for a rewarding, flexible and challenging career.

Navy is currently recruiting for various trade roles. For further information on becoming a trade technician in the Navy visit: or call 13 19 01.


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Top Comments

Jada 9 years ago

In the wise, wise words of the El de Paso kid, "Why can't we just have both?"

Cue: party music and gorging on Mexican food.

KT 9 years ago

Much prefer working alone - have done since I did a project on koalas in primary school with my friend - I did all the work and then she got to claim half the credit:) I used to have my own office, which I loved. Now we are in an open plan situation and I can't stand it. I hate all the noise - I hate people playing music at work. Sometimes I have taken in earplugs so I can concentrate. I know I sound like an old grump - I do actually have friends at work, but I want to come in, do my job and go home. I would prefer to sit in a little box all by myself and power through the work rather than discuss and workshop stuff.