
7 unhealthy habits you didn't even realise you had.

Oh, you don't have any bad habits? C'mon. You're totally lying, Rachel. We all have 'em. 

And it's okay - it's all part of being human! But that doesn't mean we shouldn't try to correct them, right?

Watch: Ready to get out of your comfort zone? Here are seven habits that will pay off in the long-run. Post continues below.

Whether you're constantly downing coffee to make you feel 'full' or inhaling your entire pantry post-workout, here are seven unhealthy habits that will make you feel like utter poo, and some helpful tips to correct them.

1. Not getting enough sleep.

Are you getting enough sleep? You might not be, you know.

If you're constantly waking up tired (SAME) and reluctantly climbing out of bed every morning (also, SAME), this is a good sign you're not clocking enough of hours. And it's not doing you any favours.

Listen: Want to find out more bad habits you're probably guilty of? 'Course you do! Check out Mamamia's podcast Out Loud to find out all the ways in which we’re exhibiting poor etiquette when eating out. Post continues below.

A lack of adequate sleep can affect a whole heap of things, making you moody, irritable and stressed. It can also mess with your ability to learn and retain information. No good.

Like c'mon, there's seriously nothing worse than crawling through the day, from meeting to meeting, with a fuzzy mind and super heavy lids. It SUCKS.

Sleep is not only crucial for keeping your mind fresh and performing optimally, but it's also a pivotal factor in maintaining a healthy weight. 

A Harvard Medical study said, "Most experts have concluded that getting enough high-quality sleep may be as important to health and wellbeing as nutrition and exercise".

Yep. Wow.

So, if you're one of the kids out there who accidentally watches an entire season of something on Netflix in one cute serving, make sure you're prioritising your sleep by setting a timer on your phone and *actually* going to bed when it goes off. Like, actually.

2. Scrolling on your phone until 1am.

Don't make that face. We all do it. 

This kinda ties into the sleep thing. While lying in bed seems like the perfect time to perform deep dive into the life of a complete stranger who lives across the other side of the world, your late night screen time could be jeopardising your health. 

Not only can a lengthy exposure to blue light damage your eyes (cya, retinas!), it can seriously interfere with your sleep. That's because blue light messes with the production of melatonin - a hormone that regulates the body’s sleep cycle. 

If you spend ages scrolling through your phone, you're likely to experience more sleepless nights and fatigue (pretty much everything we discussed above), but it can also lead to a variety of other health issues like anxiety and depression.

3. Snacking right before bed.

While we're all for those delicious snacks, try to not eat too much before jumping into bed at night.

"The process of digestion can interfere with your body’s ability to fall asleep, and can also affect the quality of sleep you have as well," said According to founder of The Wellness Group and GMC Cosmedical, Madeline Calfas. 

"Eating just before bed also increases the likelihood of reflux and indigestion, as your gastric juices are being secreted to breakdown food whilst you are lying down, which gives them far greater opportunity to make their way back up your oesophagus and into your throat."

Welp, that's terrifying.

4. Drinking coffee to make you feel 'full'.

Don't... do this.

While drinking moderate amounts of coffee is said to be good for your health, skipping meals and replacing them with a cup o' joe just so you feel full will actually just make you feel like s**t.

Your body needs a whole heap of different nutrients and vitamins in order to function at its best, and a cup of coffee just ain't going to cut it. Rather than using coffee as something to suppress your appetite, try using a combination of both exercise and healthy foods to get there.  

5. Exercising so you can eat whatever you want.

Anyone else smash out a HIIT class then decide to go home and eat a serving of Chinese food fit for three people? And a side of Doritos? Cause exercise and cheat meals kinda just cancel each other out, right

Nooope. Exercising alone unfortunately won't make up for a terrible diet.

We know, life is unfair.

Not only is gorging post-workout wrecking havoc on your fitness game, but this frame of mind can really f**k up your relationship with food. Because having the mindset that you have to 'earn' food is really freaking unhealthy. Food is not a reward.

You can't expect exercise alone to make you super fit. Focus on fuelling your body with the right foods that will help you power through your workouts.

6. Viewing food as 'good' or 'bad'.

When you start labelling foods as 'good' or 'bad', not only are you officially stripping all the joy out of eating, but it might be one of the worst things you can do for your health.

No shame - we all do it, but we're here to tell you to stop.

So, let's get this bit out of the way first: all food is inherently neutral. There is no such thing as 'good' food or 'bad' food. Mmmkay? Eating a burger and chips one night isn't going to give you diabetes or heart disease. It's more about your overall eating patterns. 

The deeper harm in restricting yourself from foods is that when you do have a 'cheat meal' or a 'bad day', you'll usually end up feeling guilty and shameful.

Sad face.

Instead of policing all of your food choices, try to get rid of the emotional attachment and start listening to your body - eat what you want in moderation. By doing this we guarantee healthy foods will taste even better, and you'll stop feeling like a failure over enjoying foods that are so. bloody. good.

7. Not moving from your desk all day.

If you're anything like us, it hits 2pm and suddenly... you've been sitting in the same chair, in the same position, for like seven hours straight.

This sounds like a thing that's pretty harmless, but it's actually terrible for both your physical and mental health.

According to studies, sitting for long periods can increase some pretty serious health conditions such as heart disease and Type 2 diabetes. It can also trigger a whole host of other issues, like chronic pain, osteoporosis, thrombophlebitis (blood clots in your leg veins) and poor circulation.


So, get up! Make sure you set aside to move around on a daily basis (pop a reminder on your phone). Chuck on your headphones and go on a quick walk, or just move your body in any way you can.

Feature image: Getty

What are some of your worst habits? Share with us in the comment section below.

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