reality tv

Let's all take a moment to farewell Brittney, the best thing to ever happen to Paradise. 


Things are looking dire in Bachelor in Paradise.

Yes, we know. Osher is in his Hawaiian shirt, Ivan is showing off his Step Up dance moves and the daiquiris are flowing, what is there to complain about?

But you see, there’s a problem – Brittney is gone.

After a brief (we’re talking less than 24 hours) relationship with Ivan the avocado man, conga-line Britt is leaving Bachelor in Paradise and honestly, we’re a lil’ bit heartbroken.

From the moment Brittney spotted Ivan, brushed her teeth and pulled him aside for a moonlit chat about her fear of birds, we could already see their lanky children conga-lining around a backyard filled with avocado trees.

But now, it’s all over.

On tonight's episode of drunk school camp in Fiji Bachelor in Paradise, Brittney was unexpectedly sent home after Ivan chose to save newcomer Tenille. It was... rough.

"I'M GONNA GO CHAT TO THE TREE," she yelled as she exited island.

From her, erm, relationship with a tree to her tendency to break out in dance at random moments, there's a lot we're going to miss about Brittney.

Like the time she showed the other contestants her 'white girl wasted dance moves'.

Or that time she said this about American Alex: "He has a good body, like you must weigh your chicken!"

With all the other contestants breaking down in tears in Paradise, Brittney brought the hilarious one-liners we all needed.

And while we'll miss her, we know she deserves better than anyone on this show anyway. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Here's how Australia reacted to Brittney's exit from Bachelor in Paradise:

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Top Comments

Britforbach 5 years ago

Honestly so bummed she went home! She was the only real chick without drama on there!

I swear to God. Men are so friggen shallow. And SHE IS BANGING!

Like, a beautiful woman, with a beautiful smile, self confidence, happiness, she friggen lights up the room.
Bachelor in Paradise didn’t deserve someone like Brit.

She is just a gem and I hope to dear God producers see that’s australia just ADORES her and will see us all tune in to the next Bacherlorette, just for her!!!