
YES PLEASE: Aldi is dropping a range of affordable, zero-waste homewares this weekend.


When it comes to doing our bit for the environment, a slow and steady approach is more realistic and sustainable than a complete 180 degree lifestyle change.

It comes from simple switches, building habits that stick, while producing less waste and consuming less plastic along the way.

This week’s Aldi Special Buys Catalogue aims to help those trying to do better. The retailer is bringing together a range of reusable products which work to reduce the amount of single-use plastics in the kitchen, and because you can use and re-use them over and over again, they’ll save you money in the long run too.

The products go on sale this Saturday June 22 but as with all Special Buy items, stock is strictly limited.

Here are the products we’re itching to buy ASAP.

Reusable silicone stretch lids, $3.99 for 3

Replace your need for plastic cling wrap with these stretchy silicone lids which work to create an airtight seal on your bowls and plates.

Each pack of three comes in different sizes for ultimate efficiency.

Reusable silicone stretch pods and reusable sandwich and snack bags, $3.99 each

Further reduce the amount of plastic you use with silicone zip lock bags and stretchy tubs. Simply use, clean and re-use.

Reusable stainless steel straws, $3.49 for 5

We know plastic straws are a scourge on Australia's marine life - with dolphins, whales and fish mistaking them as food - and yet this enviro-switch couldn't be easier. Save a turtle and keep a stainless steel straw in your bag at all times.

Stainless steel lunchboxes, $7.99

There's nothing wrong with plastic Tupperware but next time you need to upgrade your stash, make like a zero-waste influencer (might we recommend @zero.waste.collective, @allitav and @zerowastechef) and consider a stainless steel alternative. They last longer than their plastic counterparts, don't leach chemicals when exposed to heat, and are still 100 per cent recyclable.

Chuck one in your bag and fill it with snacks, or restaurant/cafe leftovers when dining out.

If you want to further green-ify your home, a bench-top composter ($19.99), glass travel mug ($7.99) and stack-able 35L recycling bin ($19.99) are also on offer, as are some very chic organic cotton grocery bags ($7.99 each) and produce bags which you can wet and use to store your fruits and veggies in the fridge. The added hit of moisture will keep your grocery loot fresher and crisper for longer.

Add these to your trolley, get them in your kitchen, and you'll be on your way to living your environmental best in no time. Go you.

What's your favourite low-waste or zero-waste hack? Tell us in a comment below.

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Top Comments

Dora Thomsan 5 years ago

Great to see your blog content which helps to save our environment by reused the item which is not in use. I am just looking for a pantry and kitchen blog then suddenly I found your blog on google and while start reading your blog I am very much impressed with your content. Thanks for sharing with us.

Jo Cooper 5 years ago

Disappointed. I just got home with the silicone bowl covers. They are tiny, don’t fit my standard bowls, and came in plastic packaging! This was a big fail Aldi!