
Alan Jones: 'Women are destroying the joint'

Simone McDonnel








Alan Jones (2GB Sydney, radio presenter) has made *yet another* highly intellectual and well researched contribution to the Australian Media. Yesterday, he informed his listeners:

“She (the Prime Minister) said that we know societies only reach their full potential if women are politically participating.

Women are destroying the joint – Christine Nixon in Melbourne, Clover Moore here. Honestly.”

Upon hearing Jones’s remarks, I realised I had two options I could:

(a) promptly quit my job and forget about my career, find a husband who can think for me and never aspire to participate in the political process;



Naturally, I chose (b) and started by smashing my radio against a wall.

Now, I will be the first to admit that I am not the greatest poster girl for feminism. I confess I make the odd joke about sandwiches, I’m terrible at reading maps and I’m useless at popping the lids of salsa jars.

Alan Jones

But when I hear Alan Jones say that women are destroying our country, I get angry. ‘How angry?’ I hear you ask? Very angry. ‘I AM WOMAN HEAR ME ROAR’ angry!

The reason why I get angry is because for all the policy mistakes, errors of judgement and blatant stuff ups by the many males who had lead this country before us, never, has it been so much as whispered that men don’t deserve to participate in the democratic system. There has never been a suggestion that men, as a whole, have destroyed the country.

Women, on the other hand have obviously singlehandedly ruined everything. They are the reason men can no longer have nice things. How dare Julia Gillard, Clover Moore, Christine Nixon, or any other female for that matter, (because remember- it is us as a collective, ladies!) leave the kitchen, let alone choose to actively participate in our democratic system.

I don’t normally get fired up over mindless dribble from Jones, who I might add, is one of the most ignorant, irrelevant and out of touch members of the Australian Media (I would call him a media personality but that would imply he has one).

Normally, I’d let it go through to the keeper. But what Jones has done is round out an incredibly backwards week, where a female Journalist was called a ‘cow’ and an apparent ‘feminist’ again took it upon herself to comment on the Prime Minister’s figure.

For me, this week will be remembered as the week I beat my head (and threw my radio) against the wall wondering why this issue never seems to just go away. Why certain members of the Australian media can’t grow up and move on past what sex a person is, I don’t know.

Until these issues are resolved, I make this promise to Jones and to all of his chauvinistic mates: I’ll continue to wear pants, vote, have a career and destroy the joint.

Simone hails from country SA and is the Australian Young Labor National Women’s Officer. A self-confessed bogan and political junkie, Simone needs feminism because she’s a hopeless cook..

What did you think of Jones’ comments?

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Top Comments

Travelling mum 12 years ago

Merri I just wanted to point out that I'm not connected with the ALP in any way and I honestly don't know how I will vote next election. But I don't believe any of those three women are useless. And for what it's worth I don't believe they are ruining the joint.

julia 12 years ago

had a quick read of the comments, and its horrible all the personal attacks on commenters on here.
i think the point of this article is that in our society, people shouldn't be defined by their sex in relation to their job.
that means the jones person living in 2012, would have been more dignified in saying 'those PEOPLE' NOT WOMEN.. until we all learn to speak language that is not sexist, sexism will remain.
i mean is basic common sense people. what if he was indigenous and said those WHITEYS instead. do you see the point?
as long as people maintain as an 'US AND THEM ' mentality, isms will always exist. women and men have long been supposedly equal in the workforce and its time our language, pay packets and career prospects developed to reflect this

Merri 12 years ago

You know what, Julia, if someone asks for a thingo or a whatsit I don't really make a big deal out of it. I know what they mean.

How much more PC crap are we going to be subjected to? I know what he meant, many women here know what he meant, and the women I was with today didn't think it worth mentioning.

Ben Fordham did an interesting interview on Friday with a man standing for local government. Among his many policies is a stand against the introduction of the Sharia Law Tribunals that have been adopted in the UK. He wants all who make their home here to live under Australian laws.

Have a guess who rang in to support this man. The racist, redneck, xenophobic nut jobs? Nuh. A man with a heavy accent who came from Africa. The labor loving media like to make out that the only ones who listen to the 'shock jocks' are uneducated bogans. Another attempt from the ALP protection racket to stop people from finding out what theyre up to.