
The 16 best airpod memes to send to your rich friends.

We all have that friend.

The one who is always 10 steps ahead of the latest trend, and is just as quick to post about it on social media.

We’ve been in 2019 for less than a month, but it’s clear that this year’s must-have is a pair of airpods.

“Thanks Apple, for solving my untangling problem!” your rich friend might write on their Instagram story, more smug than ever before.

You respond the only way you know how: memes.

Here are the best memes to send to your rich friend, to end the humble brag once and for all.

We get it, you're rich.

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Top Comments

LittleblAckdress 5 years ago

How much are Air POds? Are they worth it?

Hannah 5 years ago

I bought some for hubby for Christmas. They were $230 so they’re not cheap but he absolutely loves them. He uses them all the time and he said he can also send and listen to text messages through them using Siri