
Your music mojo according to your sign

Whether you love soul-soothing classical or pulse-racing punk rock, discover how the zodiac influences your musical inclinations. Read on – the planets are playing your song.


The Aries music lover is a total MTV junkie. You watch online streaming videos when you're at work.


You're a tune trailblazer, Taurus, especially when it comes to your favourite genre: punk rock.


Sometimes the Gemini music fan is loyal to a fault; you just don't know when to cut bait.


?If there's a festival in town, the Cancer music lover's there. If not, you'll drop several hundred dollars on airfare, accommodations and tickets to attend one.

?Leo ?

Leos are high-turnover music fans. Once a band goes gold, you cut them loose.

Virgo ?

Virgos love all music genres. Instead of spending your night rockin' out to Metallica, you'd rather slip on an evening gown or tuxedo and head to the symphony or the opera.

Libra ?

Ahh ... the roar of the crowd, the cheap beer, the smell of too many humans in one place. You're at an arena rock show, and you're in heaven.

?Scorpio ?

Sometimes - you tell your friends - you feel as if you're stuck in the late '60s and early '70s and can't get out. And really, that's okay with you.


Don't go looking for the Sagittarius music lover at a loud club or a tavern, or even an arena rock venue.

Capricorn ?

The Capricorn's musical taste spans all genres, but you're especially drawn to the ultra-urban styles of hip-hop and electronica.


?If you're an Aquarius music fan, you're jammin' on Jamaica with old-school reggae, dub and ska.

Pisces ?

Pisces can always be found on the Dark Side of the Moon. You've tasted other genres, but you prefer rock 'n' roll staples: Led Zeppelin, the Who and the Beatles.


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