
Good news: the children of working mothers do better (especially girls)

Apparently children of working mothers aren’t only higher achievers, but more emotionally developed.

Years ago, when I was 36, I fell over, dropped like a dead weight for no reason at all. BOOM.

At the hospital, they checked for everything (including HIV, as I had been working as a scientist on the body fluids of Australia’s first AIDS patient), advised me to wean my baby as a precaution, and guess what?

It turned out I was just exhausted.

Just exhausted. Just. Exhausted. Like every working mother in Australia.

Now, having crawled to the rock of perspective and rest, after 25 years of child-rearing, I look back through the corridor of time and those years seem like a whirling frenzy, barely glimpsed through a haze of fatigue. Like every working mother.

Fatigue, we can do. It’s our reality, whether we work at home or in the workforce. But if we work outside the home – as two-thirds of us do – what cuts through the exhaustion, interrupts our sleep in sharp pangs and lays a quiet hand of burden across the breadth of our lives, is guilt. How much does our absence, our displacement of infants and children to the care of others, impact on their delicate little psyches?

Is our quest for fulfilment, of equal rights to autonomy and financial independence, or our need to pay the bills, at the expense of our children’s healthy mental and emotional development?

Here are some kick-arse, well-known working mothers. (Post continues after gallery.)

Kick-arse working mums

Well, in a major miracle, a stroke of entire good fortune, a finding that amazingly was not splashed as banner headlines across all (male-owned and dominated) media around the globe, it turns out that the strongest weapon in the fight to give girls equal rights is … a working mother.

Harvard Business School (not well-known as a feminist activist enclave) has found the children of working mothers do better. From a study of 50,000 adults in 25 countries, they report daughters of women who work do remarkably better in the workplace. They complete more years of education, earn higher wages and have higher positions than the daughters of women who stay at home.

These results aren’t because mothers in the workforce get more education and training, mix with upwardly mobile people, and earn more money, and so drag the family up with them. That does help, but the study’s chief author, Kathleen L McGinn, Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business, allowed for these factors, and the impact of being raised by a working mother is stark; it is a clear and significant benefit to girls.

Win- win!! Our guilt was for nought! More than that, the sneaking suspicion that what was right for us must be right for our children has been vindicated, against the steady stream of subliminal criticism that we were selfish.

And – relief – these daughters aren’t higher-achieving but emotionally blighted. The study found their mental and emotional health is just as robust as that of girls whose mothers stayed home. In fact, in other guilt-relieving, earlier findings, 69 studies from the past 50 years say the same thing – kids of working mothers don’t have more behaviour, social and learning difficulties than children whose mothers stay home. In fact, they have less depression and anxiety.

In case you’re now struggling with a creeping sense of ‘Well, what was the point of me then – I might just as well have never come home’, drag yourself out of that rabbit-hole of self-effacement. It is our presence, not our absence, that helps our daughters. McGinn and her research team say it is our role modelling, our example, our mentoring that makes the difference.

Have you watched Bec Sparrow’s one piece of advice that she wants you to know. (Post continues after video.)

Well, isn’t that a relief. I thought that some nights, when I got home, spread myself into 753 different particles to attend lovingly to each branch of need in the home simultaneously for the next six hours, only to trip over the cat at midnight and go beserk, I was a lousy role model. But apparently it’s the before-cat stuff that matters. When our girls see us enter the external world, make decisions, survey challenges, find ways through and over obstacles, they learn that difficulties can be surmounted and that they are as good as boys and men.

And that’s a bloody good thing, according to McGinn, because the other clear message kids get from home is the opposite; that men rule. Or, as a leading Australian (male) commentator put it when analysing the latest statistics on who does what unpaid work at home, “men come off looking like a bunch of lazy, couch-lying, TV-watching sloths”.

Her work is on gender inequality, and she reckons there’s not a lot of point in looking at inequality in the workplace when attitudes start at home. If there’s inequality between men and women at home, that’s what the kids will pick up and enact. McGinn is worried inequality at home is entrenched, and the global stats back her up. Despite the percentage of women in the workforce soaring, they do the same amount of work at home as they always did, more than twice that of men. Men have not picked up the slack.

Australia is terrible ( surprise, surprise). Our latest survey (Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia 2014) reveals that, even when men and women both work, and bring in much the same salary, men do about 28 hours of unpaid domestic and childcare work, and women do 57, more than double. FIFTY SEVEN HOURS A WEEK on top of our job, even when he’s not the breadwinner. No wonder I fell down. It’s a wonder we working mothers are not all dead of exhaustion.

Worse, when a woman is the breadwinner, she still does more – 44 hours a week compared to his 30. What does that teach kids? That men have an inalienable right to be above the sh*t-work? Because he has a penis, he only has to do half as much?

All these decades of struggling for more equity at home so we can get equity at work … and this is where we are. But here, in the Harvard study, we have a glimmer of hope; no, it’s a beacon. A huge great lighthouse of a thing. Because the study doesn’t just show that our working benefits our daughters, it intriguingly shows a benefit to our sons. A benefit that will contribute to gender equity over time.

The sons of working women, while performing equally well in the workforce as those whose mothers were at home, do better at home. They are significantly more likely to contribute to household chores and spend more time caring for family members. So these grown sons provide more support to their working partners, and a more egalitarian role model to their children.

To quote McGinn, there are very few things that have such a clear effect on gender equality than being raised by a working mother.

The fog of fatigue was worth it.

Are you a working mum? Do you think it has benefitted your child?

Do you feel very passionately about this? We’ve got plenty more to get your fired up…

Working mothers are always one cough away from complete chaos.

A working mum delivers a glorious smackdown to Joe Hockey on house prices.

“I used to think working mothers were bludgers. Now I’m one of them.”

6 reasons Stay At Home Mums feel ashamed.

This dad has done the numbers: here’s exactly what a stay at home parent is worth.

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Top Comments

Seriously enough!!!! 9 years ago

I'm a working mother and while I admit that articles like this are a nice reassurance that kids can thrive in such a scenario (and my fatigue is normal!), I am constantly frustrated at why we must always compare and ultimately try and compete with different forms of parenting. STOP. No wonder we women end up ripping each other apart instead of just accepting that every family is different and there is no one size fits all or superior way. My family works and that is because ultimately my kids are SAFE, LOVED and HEALTHY. The details around that, working, not working, gay parents, one parent, grandparent - are just unique technicalities. Let's stop wasting time fighting about crap like this and start working on how we save children from violent homes, countries at war or starvation. Rant over 😳

annieathens 9 years ago

I was a working Mother and have an excellent relationship with my Daughter. We never had rows and fights, no problems as a teen. It isn't the amount of time you spend with your child, it's the amount of quality time that you give them. As a baby I took her to the park every day, later when she went to nursery school, after work we went to the park so she could let off steam. Wet days we baked, played board games, had other kids in and cut newspapers up to make fashion outfits, picnics in the garden with dolls. Leave the housework, simply whip around and keep it under control, but enjoy their childhood. Other friends complained about their children always under their feet etc etc. My Daughter is very confident had no problems going abroad to university and is full of the joys of life. Married an excellent young man and yes, they both work very hard, and she will also work when they start a family. Children leave home, many go abroad to work or marry, for sure if they see parents happy working they will want to work too. It isn't simply a question of earning money, it's also a matter of pride and independence.