
Melbourne singer Melody Pool has Facebook account suspended for period status.

A Melbourne woman had her Facebook account suspended for posting a status about period pain.

Singer Melody Pool was unable to post or message anyone for 24 hours after the status was deemed to have “violated community standards”.

The Daily Telegraph reported the offending phrase in the status to have said:

“Does anywhere deliver codeine to you because lady blood moon is waging war upon me.”

Look, it’s a weird word and we can think of some better ones. Post continues.

Pool told the paper she believed it was an anonymous friend on her list who reported her for the status.

“I posted a mild status on Facebook about having period pain and some waste of space reported me for it,” she said.

“Facebook deemed it “inappropriate” and suspended my account for 24hrs, including no posts, comments, messaging or even ‘liking’ anything.”

Pool also points the finger at her casual reference to codeine – an over-the-counter drug some medical bodies believe should be prescription-only.

The incident has caused several other users to come forward with stories of Facebook not taking action over legitimate reasons to report somebody.


Pool has since reclaimed regular use of her account.


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Top Comments

Anon 8 years ago

Codeine is still an over the counter drug. No biggie. This is not about drug dealing at all. She definitely got slammed for talking about her period.

Gu3st 8 years ago

The reference to drug dealing might be more likely the cause, but we all view life through our own personal kaleidoscope...

natalie 8 years ago asking if a pharmacy delivers painkillers is a reference to drug dealing?? Bahahahahahahahaha

Gu3st 8 years ago

Natalie, I'm not sure if you're in physical pain or amused, but there's no reference to pharmacies and please don't ask me to justify Facebook's deletion policies.

Look, if it is pain, then I wouldn't recommend going on Facebook for painkillers. Period.