
Which day of the week do you love, which one do you loathe?

Monday-itis? I rarely suffer from this affliction because mostly, I really enjoy my job. There’s a freshness about Monday. I’ve soaked up my family over the weekend and I’m ready for an energy shift. And also being able to close the door when I go to the toilet.

I have two favourite days, Monday and Saturdays. Saturdays are full of potential and have a busy fizzy energy about them.  My least favourite is Friday – I find it so hard to get my head into work, I’m exhausted from the week and I know that I have an intense couple of days ahead. Sundays are also a bit melancholy for me. Always have been.

What’s your favourite day of the week? And least favourite? We cornered some of the Mamamia team with a calendar and took notes. NO PRESSURE TO SAY YOU LOVE MONDAYS BECAUSE IT MEANS SPENDING TIME WITH ME.

Lana: I do ever so love a Saturday, it is full of the promise of weekend and if I wake up at the crack of dawn like I normally do I can console myself that I can sleep  in on Sunday – which I never do.

My son loves Wednesday and for the same reason that he gets excited about it, I hate it – he has gymnastics at 7am in the morning and after school sport which means that I leave home at 6:45am and get back at about 6pm.  It’s a long day for someone who loves nothing more then being at home.

Nicky: This used to be very different when I didn’t love my job. I used to get the Sunday night blues in anticipation of the dreaded Monday Blues. But now my favourite day is Sunday, it usually starts with a long lazy breakfast reading the papers and doesn’t get much more stressful than that. My husband and I also have an unspoken rule that we have to spend it together, just us. My least favourite would probably be Tuesday, it neither here nor there, nothing exciting usually happens to me on Tuesdays.

Rick: Best day has to be Friday. I like work but I also like the thought of a end-of-week wine. Friday brings these two together and begins the weekend. Worst day would probably be Tuesday. I don’t know why. There’s always been bad blood between us. It’s a nothing day, a nothing day!

Nat: I actually love Tuesdays for the exact reason that they are a bit of a ‘nothing’ day. They just feel so relaxing. I dislike Saturdays because, unlike Tuesdays, it always feels like I should be doing something really productive on Saturdays. Like exercising or grocery shopping or saving the world or something. No such thing as a lazy Saturday.

Bec Sparrow: Favourite day of the week is Monday.  Sounds crazy but at the moment my life and work is so interesting that I never know what the week will bring.  I also love Friday nights because Brad and I get take-away (usually Thai) and then – in honour of living in Adelaide – we dig into a tub of Maggie Beer icecream and watch a movie. My least favourite day of the week:  Thursdays.  And I’m not keen on Saturday mornings either …

Kate Hunter: My favourite day of the week is Friday. Because it’s Friday. The rules at our place are relaxed. The kids skip baths and fall asleep on the couch. There is wine.  I have a day and a half before I start worrying about the week to come.
My least favourite day of the week is actually half a day. Sunday afternoon. I tend to spend it cooking and cleaning and getting stuff organised for the week ahead.

Kerri Sackville: I hate Fridays because I’ve never got enough done in the week. And I love Tuesdays. They feel long and full of promise!

So which day do you love, and which day do you loathe?

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Caz1992 13 years ago

My favourite and least favourite days always depend on the timetable I have at the time.
Currently my favourite day is Wednesday. I have just one 2hour lecture - Midwifery - Normaly Labour and Birth, my favourite! Then i head home for a walk with my puppy, some relaxing lunch at home then head off to work as an After School Care Assisstant and spend 2.5hours with the kiddies, ahh wednesdays :)
WORST day is Tuesdays, leave home for uni at 8am and don't get home till 7pm. Especially yesterday, we spent 4 hours watching group presentations, how productive!

Hopefuly next semesters timetable improves!

Cordeline 13 years ago

At the moment I love Wednesdays. Both small daughters go to Occasional Care for a few hours in the morning :-)

Even as a SAHM I still get Mondayitis...