
"The most invasive question I get asked daily."


People have the best intentions, but sometimes? They’re the worst.

At 29, female and happily married, there is one question I despise more than all others. It’s the dreaded, “When are you going to have kids?”

People always throw it in there casually, too. Usually between such innocuous questions as, “How’s your mother?” or, “Where’s the bathroom?” Just as I’m getting comfortable in a conversation, someone drops in wondering if my ovaries are firing at full capacity and how often I’m banging my man. And while they’re at it, what’s my current condom bill? Because really, that’s what asking about family planning boils down to.

I’m pretty much an open book. I can’t help it. As an obsessive-compulsive, I feel an internal need for brutal honesty. But when it comes to making whoopee with my mate, I’d generally prefer to keep things private.

Sexy-time invasiveness aside, asking about making babies also presupposes two incredibly personal assumptions. First, that you want/plan to have children, and second, that you are physically able to procreate.

Not everyone wants to be a parent. My bestie is a Harvard grad and one of my favorite people. She does not want children. That’s OK. People constantly tell her she’ll change her mind — just wait and see. It’s not going to happen. She has many goals in life, and children aren’t in her plan. Not wanting to have children doesn’t make her a bad person, and not everyone needs to procreate.

Before I get to the second assumption, let me introduce you to my friend “Jen.” Jen is also 29 and happily married. She has been trying to get pregnant since her honeymoon in 2012. In the last three years, she has suffered multiple miscarriages, and she is now about to go through her first round of artificial insemination. As you might expect, she never wants to answer the dreaded “when are you going to have kids” question. If it were up to her, she’d already be a mom.

It’s such a slap in the face to inquire about one of the most emotionally charged and highly personal decisions in a person’s life. I’ve been guilty of it prior to my own nuptials. After I became eligible in society’s view for motherhood, I realized how emotional this query could be.

For me, this is a complicated question that has a lot to do with my husband’s status as an active duty military officer. I’m not sure when the timing will make sense, and there’s always the chance that I’ll have fertility issues. It’s constantly on my mind, and honestly, it’s already a bit of a sore spot. I don’t want to discuss that with everyone I meet within 15 minutes of beginning our conversation.

I’ve been told that if I remain married and childfree long enough, people will stop asking. That’s some comfort, I suppose. In the meantime, I’ll continue to perfect the smile-mask, and give a cordial “not yet.”

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For more posts like this one, take a look here:

8 things you should NOT say to a woman who doesn’t want kids.

Why child-free aunties are amazing.

‘I do not want children. No, I’m not sad. And no, I’m not ashamed.’

Kat Stewart on why she delayed having a baby, and whether there will be another season of Offspring.

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Top Comments

kb80 9 years ago

It drives me nuts that people seem to think everyone wants kids. I have 2 beautiful babies and I've always wanted kids but I think it is absolutely ok to not want kids and I believe those who make that choice have considered what they might be missing just as much as those that have kids consider it (often probably more actually). You think that's an intrusive question though wait for what comes once you are pregnant if you choose to be. I had one male anaesthetist colleague ask me "so you going to push or get the cut?" Then once the baby was born it's breastfeed or bottle? Disposable or cloth nappies? Cry it out or cuddle them? I cannot tell you how many times I held back from screaming at people to mind their own bloody business. I did however frequently remind people that I would take their advice into consideration however regardless of their opinions either way whatever decision I made would be the right decision for me (and my child).

R 9 years ago

Same here and what I really dont understand is those people who constantly complain about having kids making it to be the hardest "job" in the world trying to convinve you to have children. Is it a case of 'misery loves company' I wonder...