
'I was vajazzled against my will.'

Late last year, I was vajazzled against my will.

I was at a beauty salon in my home town and I was booked in for a Brazilian wax.

As usual I hadn’t requested a particular beautician. I’m not one of those who says “Oh I always go to so-and-so”. I quite enjoy the veil of anonymity that comes with a different person dropping hot wax on your lady parts every couple of months. I’d prefer not to be buddies with the person who gets that fun-fun job.

A quick and crucial bit of background before I continue with the story: I am not good with pain. In fact, I am a giant wuss bag. I don’t like blood, I don’t like needles and I cry liberally and tell everyone around me when something hurts.

So when I’m having a wax, I try and pretend I’m somewhere else. I go into the ‘happy place’ (sometimes a vaguely inebriated place), I close my eyes and let the beautician jabber on. I don’t concentrate on what’s happening. I don’t pay attention in the slightest.

On this one particular occasion – I was on the home stretch to being hairless, when I felt the weirdest sensation and realised very quickly that Something. Was. Not. Right.

I sat up abruptly and to my horror saw this woman using this tiny tube of glue to affix these sparkly diamante things to my lady parts….

“Ah, WhaTtheF*#kDoYouThinkYou’reDoing?”

“Oh didn’t we tell you?” exclaims 19-year-old super perky and excited beautician lady. “This month we’re doing a FREE vaazzling for all our regular customers!”

“I don’t want vajazzling thanks. I’m quite happy living a vajazzle-less life. Please take, um, just take that off. Now,” I said (trying to remain calm in the face of my newly-sparkly vagina).

“Oh no, don’t worry! It’s totally FREE!” she responds. As if somehow that makes this okay.

“Yes. But I don’t care that it’s free. I don’t want it,” I confirmed.

“We can switch shapes you know? If you don’t like the love heart, we could try a butterfly instead?”

Seriously. Do I look like the kind of woman who wants a butterfly down there? A butterfly?

To cut a painfully long discussion short, she ended up removing the offending sparkly things. Not before suggesting a myriad of little sparkly pictures (including the word SEXY) as alternatives for me.

I do not tell a lie. This actually happened. I am still in recovery.

Dear Mamamia readers – help me to realise that I did not go through this horrific experience alone. Surely, there are others?

What’s your beauty horror story?

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Top Comments

Laser girl! 12 years ago

I can't understand why you girls prefer the painful regular sessions of waxing 'down there' over the handful of 'yes still painful' laser sessions required for the same thing?? Can someone please explain? I have been to an awesome laser removal salon and for less then $300 for 5 sessions - the hair is gone!! Full stop! I appreciate that it is not as effective for fair hair, or dark skin - but all you others? Why not?

Nia 12 years ago

Hi Anon, normalising the act of waxing your bikini hair off to look like a pre-pubescent girl is just as disturbing to me as pasting diamontes on there. How do you position one as normal and the other as not?