
Crossfit mum gives birth, taunts her haters

Crossfit fanatic Lea-Ann Ellison has announced she plans to return to her gruelling fitness routine just four days after giving birth to her daughter, Skyler.

Lee-Ann created a storm of controversy after posting a photograph of herself on Facebook lifting weights while eight-and-a-half months pregnant. But, far from silencing her, it’s just made her even more defiant. Her latest posting:  “And you know what? The haters can KISS MY CROSSFIT ASS. Man it feels good to say that. :)”.

Last month, Lee-Ann wrote: “8 months pregnant with baby number 3 and CrossFit has been my sanity. I have been CrossFitting for 2 1/2 years and…strongly believe that pregnancy is not an illness, but a time to relish in your body’s capabilities to kick ass.” Some described the image as “beautiful” and praised her for keeping fit, others found it disturbing, labelled her “plain silly” and “sickening”, while some even accused her of endangering the health of her unborn child.

The 35-year-old mum couldn’t understand what all the fuss is about. She just wanted to be a “hot mum" and wrote on her Facebook page: “I can’t believe this photo has caused this much stir but it makes me hopeful that it will inspire other strong healthy moms to continue on doing what they love. Pregnancy is not an illness! Get it Moms!”

Now, instead of quietly enjoying her first few days of motherhood after giving birth at home in an inflatable pool, Lee Ann has hit out at her critics. She boasts that not only that she's given birth to a healthy baby, but that she's only three kilograms above her healthy weight.

I think she's completely missing the point.

The criticism she received wasn't just about her physical health. There was concern she could injure herself and her unborn child by lifting such heavy weights during the third trimester. The most disturbing part for me is how obsessed she is with her weight.

She wrote on Facebook:

My focus after Skylers arrival has been staying healthy and healing quick so I can be an asset to my family and get back to the gym faster. In fact I am counting the days... FOUR. Four days and I have the ok to return to my CF routine. :)

Pregnancy and those first few months of new motherhood should be a time to bond with your baby, not obsess over your weight.

How soon after giving birth did you start working out again? 


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