
HOROSCOPES: Relationship boosts and a fitness kick. The week ahead, according to your star sign.

Natasha Weber is an astrology genius and has predicted our horoscopes for the week beginning September 6. For more from Natasha follow her on Instagram and Facebook.

Someone close pushes your buttons when Mars hits the brakes on Thursday. If your blood begins to boil and you’re losing your cool, remember that you'll gain more by remaining calm. Try to articulate your feelings, and by all means, express yourself assertively. But, attempting to bulldoze your point will be counterproductive.

Bulls feel compelled to amp up their fitness routine thanks to Mercury skipping into their wellbeing zone. It doesn’t matter what type of exercise you’re into but do get your sweat on with upbeat music. Choose tunes to lift your mood, like RnB, reggaetón and disco. Before you know it, you’ll be fit, fabulous and most importantly, less stressed.

Watch: Horoscopes and working out. Post continues below. 

Love is a beautiful feeling, that’s true. Yet, if there’s no action behind the words, it’s just empty sentiment. Don’t swoon for romantic promises if they’re not seen through. This week, long term couples gently remind their partner of their expectations. For singles, it’s a different story. Don’t settle for words that don't amount to anything. Your sweetheart needs to walk their talk!

Crabs are coming into money this week. You may be promised a work opportunity that earns you extra income. However, if your superiors aren’t open to expanding your role, consider creating a side hustle. Use your natural entrepreneurial talents to start small and develop at your own pace. Your new business baby needn’t be an overnight sensation.

Relationships get a boost when gorgeous Venus enters your sign on Sunday. This marks the love planet’s only visit in 2020, so make time to connect with a special someone. As Venus also rules attractiveness, you’ll be looking your best too. A confident woman oozes sex appeal, so go forth and take what (or who) you desire. Get your flirt on, Leo!

Expect a few bumps in the road when it comes to romance. Venus steps into your solitude sector, asking you to prioritise self-love. For now, attend to your own needs. Engage in activities that nurture your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. This week, you have permission to be selfish. In time, you'll share the love again. But for now, it’s all about you.

Over thinking twists you in knots, but that’s what you’re inclined to do, thanks to Mercury’s move into your cerebral sign. The planet of intelligence grants you a way out, provided you don’t expect perfection. The trick is knowing when to stop. Once you’ve figured out how to tackle the problem, be satisfied with option A, and all will be well.

Mars shifts gears in your daily routine sector, so address what you’re regularly doing. This is where the magic lies for you, Scorpio. How you start each and every day has a crucial impact on your productivity. This week, make considerable improvements to your life simply by tweaking this part of your routine.

Invest your energy in your home and family this week. Mars' backwards slide encourages you to help out a relative. Although your generosity costs you time and money, the personal satisfaction you gain makes your sacrifice well worth the trouble. Not to mention that you'll score heaps of karmic brownie points too.

Mercury answers your prayers with a diplomatic solution. Perhaps you’ve been caught between a rock and a hard place, unable to find your way out of a problem. Now, you’ll not only satisfy the other person in question, but you’ll do it in a way that benefits your own personal interests too. You’ll have a knack for sweet-talking your way out of a tight spot this week.

Lucrative Venus spotlights your partnership zone. Caught up in a business collaboration that’s going nowhere fast? Divorce yourself from the alliance minus the guilt. You have your own professional survival to think about. On the other hand, romantic relationships are on the up and up. This week, your patience pays off providing you aim for the sweet spot between give and take.

Thank your lucky stars when a friend, partner or bestie steps in to save the day. You’ll be filled with gratitude, and rightly so. Your heroine offers you a helping hand just when you need it most. Still, you deserve to feel the love, Pisces. Usually, it's you doing the rescuing. But this week, the Sun and Jupiter return the favour.

A self-confessed astrology nerd, Natasha’s horoscopes, research and articles have been published in Today’s Astrologer, in addition to international publications across the globe. A senior member of the Australian Academy of Astrology and Cosmobiology and a member of the American Federation of Astrologers, she has presented cosmic updates for Your Life Naturally and has appeared as a special guest on podcasts, including Sivana and Healthy-ish.

Feature Image: Supplied.

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