
HOROSCOPES: Forgiveness and money wins. The week ahead, according to your star sign.


Natasha Weber is an astrology genius and has predicted our horoscopes for the week beginning May 10. For more from Natasha follow her on Instagram and Facebook.

The art of forgiveness is an acquired skill, especially if the person that hurt you was clearly in the wrong. Still, hanging onto resentment is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. On Friday, the Sun kisses mega asteroid Chiron, helping you put the matter behind you. This is all about your healing, not letting someone off the hook.

Money matters leap ahead this week. Your cash zone is spotlighted by clever Mercury and the Sun, giving you the courage to ask for a raise or promotion. How you word your request is crucial, so put enough thought into your proposal. Sell yourself and what you offer. Outline each positive detail. Bulls looking for work impress an influential VIP.

On Thursday, your planetary ruler meets up with the Moon’s Node. This positive cosmic collaboration brings in someone that can help you. Don’t be too quick to write them off because they seem overly eager - they could be instrumental in your future success. For now, play nice. See every new contact as a potential guardian angel.

Thanks to clever Mercury sliding into your sign on Friday, your head is full of ideas. The next day, Saturn’s wink to Mercury turns those thoughts into actions. Last week your brain was on overload, thinking about your next step. Yet, the timing wasn’t right. This week it’s a different story. Take bold leap, Cancer. If you miss, you’ll still land closer to your goal.

Believe it or not, many Leos are born shy. It’s your life’s purpose to step into the confidence that was always meant for you. This week, Mercury brings you information that points the way towards empowerment. Education, either through a personal experience or formal study, has a role to play in this journey. You’re becoming the true you.

Last week’s stars revealed a smoother path in a new direction. While it’s common to feel apprehensive about starting from scratch, at least now you have a chance of phenomenal success. Remember that it’s pointless to continue banging on a door that’s refusing to open. Fix your focus on the road ahead and don’t look back - not even for a second.

Your career gets a cosmic boost when Mercury shows an ill-suited job or jealous coworker the door. Librans dealing with a boss that’s impossible to please may find they now report to a different team leader, manager or division. Unemployed Librans receive an invaluable lead. If an offer isn’t what you’re looking for at first glance, take a second look.

You have a valuable contribution to make, not only within your own profession, but in someone else’s too. A big corporation, important organisation or company views you as an asset when Mercury aligns with the Moon’s Node. The time will come when you can name your asking price. But for now, be content to get your foot in the door.

As if by magic, couples fall into sync this week. Mercury’s connection to the Moon’s Node sees to that. If you’ve felt like you and your partner have been fighting an uphill battle or getting on each other’s nerves, the road ahead looks smoother. Single Archers find what they’re looking for thanks to an introduction through a well-meaning mutual friend.

Mercury suggests you address a legal matter or review a contract. By week’s end you should be clear on what’s expected of you and what you need to do to achieve your goal. Prior to signing paperwork or digital documents, make sure you haven’t missed any important details. Mars in your communication zone could make you more than a little impatient!

Just when you thought you could rest a little, Mercury’s dance with Saturn makes it impossible to slow down. You’ll be asked to up the ante and top your previous achievement. Don’t worry that you can’t come up with the goods. As the genius sign of the zodiac, you have so much more to give. They ain’t seen nothing yet!

You’re like a bull at a gate, rearing to go, but rushing will only create mistakes that you’ll later have to fix. Without careful thinking you could undo all your meticulous planning. Instead, slow down and concoct a plan. Then, when you are ready to reveal your special project (and you will know when you are) it’ll be a terrific success.

Feature Image: Supplied.

A self-confessed astrology nerd, Natasha’s horoscopes, research and articles have been published in Today’s Astrologer, in addition to international publications across the globe. A senior member of the Australian Academy of Astrology and Cosmobiology and a member of the American Federation of Astrologers, she has presented cosmic updates for Your Life Naturally and has appeared as a special guest on podcasts, including Sivana and Healthy-ish.

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