
Weekend Watercooler: Come have a chat.

Welcome to your Monday watercooler catch up. We want to know how your weekend was – what you watched, what you did, what you thought… everything. So spill.

Not everyone has a workplace or a community with whom they can gather and debrief about their weekend and even if you do, we bet they’re not quite as much fun as we are here.

Here are some of the things that caught our attention over the weekend:

Everyone is getting their groove on ‘Gangnam Style’.

Korean rapper Psy’s video has been going viral fast (If you haven’t watched it yet think of the ridiculousness levels of the YMCA, mixed with the popularity of the Macarena – or you can just watch it here). This week has seen several big names in Hollywood have taken the ‘Gangnam Style’ on and are making it their own (funny little ‘throw the whip around your head’ moments for everyone!).

And truth be told, the more parodies and hilarious versions we’ve watched – the more its cheesiness has grown on us. The whole team has been dancing around the office busting out the crazy ‘invisible horse dance’.

There are so many reasons to love Ellen DeGeneres. But last week she  “introduced” us to the best Gangnam Style dancing ever. What makes it so special? Maybe it’s the fact that they are so serious, maybe that they dance SO WELL, but it’s probably because they are mother and son. Seriously could they be any cooler? Watch it here and let us know what you think here.


Emmy’s speculation is rising fast.

American television’s night of nights for sparkly frocks and enormous hair is here again. We’re placing bets on who will take home what prize and which actress will keep Mia happy by wearing the most fluoro. Antiques Roadshow is also nominated for best reality television program and we think that’s a little bit ace and will be cheering them to victory from afar.

We’re also excited to see Girls nominated for best comedy series (if you haven’t yet watched this awesome new American TV show then go and get your download on – fast). Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, Downton Abbey and Mad Men are all vying for the best drama series title, so we’re thrilled not to be in the red swivel judging chair for that one.

Keep up to date with our rolling Emmy’s coverage here.

It finally got hot.

Oh yes, we have finally hit that frosty-fruit-licking time of year when the weather decides to put on a decent show. Did you hit the beach this weekend? Or make the most of the sunshine at the park? Here in Sydney it kind of felt like the entire city woke up and headed to the water. And while that made finding a car park within a 50km radius of the waves a little like entering the Powerball jackpot – it was worth if for those who made the trek

With Spring finally kicking off, it’s also time for the fluffy feel-good-ness of racing. Whether you’re in it for the day out with the ladies, for the endless supplies of bubbly or you know, the horses, it’s the one time of the year when you can proudly wear the most extravagant bundle of feathers/flowers/glitter on your head – so much so that it may very well resemble a birdcage – and nobody thinks you’ve gone nuts. (If your birdcage has gotten lost in the mail, you can find an alternative here or here)

So what caught your attention this weekend? The good? The bad? The ugly? From pop culture to personal, funny things your kids said, new clothes you bought or delicious things you ate or cooked…..speak up.

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Top Comments

Broken Hearted 12 years ago

I think I'm honestly cursed with men in Sydney. It's like when they first meet me, they love it, see that I am the whole "package" (as one just said) and then they figure out they want to be single. Why oh freaking why when im not even looking :'(?

elle 12 years ago

What do you mean? Can you see any patterns in your behaviour or similarities in the men you date?

afw 12 years ago

Yes, more info please BH.

Anon for this 12 years ago

Today I am wondering... what does real, solid emotionally security feel like? To have love to fall back onto when life is tough, or even when something really fantastic happens. To feel free from worry and stress, and to plan a future with and dream of having a home together etc. I feel like I am being blocked from getting there.

I do not believe I have ever had a genuine and sustained exchange of normal, healthy supportive love from my family or from a partner. Ever. Only short bursts. As I get older, it is harder not to feel worn out, and to be able to bounce back. I also find it tough to let my guard down at times, and I find it hard to trust other's motives unless I know them well.

Mostly I get along with my mother, but when we fight it is bad.
In the last 24 hours, I had a fight with her. She is anxious, controlling, demanding and deliberately lashes out with nasty barbs because life has not gone her way. I am more a grown up than she is. She relies on me financially and socially and I feel as if I am slowly suffocating and watching my dreams of my life dissolve before me, which is shattering because I am smart and attractive and decent and caring and funny. I have done pretty well despite this, I am oddly resilient, however if I had had a 'standard' more stable upbringing and adulthood even, I could have achived so much more by now in my life. I'd be far more confident and take more chances in my goals. Everyone around me is moving on in their milestones while I sit alongside and watch. I am tired of playing the parent. I worry that although I feel very maternal, my desire to be a mother myself may fade as I've never had my selfish 'me' period. I've had to be strong all the time for a very long time. I feel grief at the possibility of being denied that.

Yes, I have tried talking to her, I have tried many approaches. She doesn't see past her own immediate problems. I wish I had a parent that was proud of me and could let me go and push me towards my personal dreams. I am estranged from other family members, and for good reasons. There's no one else for me to turn to. I worry that this will prevent my having a partner. I wish she'd somehow get to a point of balance where she'd find a stable loving relationship herself, but I doubt it's any kind of priority for her. The axis we swing from is really not good, and I feel nervous. She got to have her marriage and family. I need my chance to shoot for the stars.

unlucky 12 years ago

I think real, solid, reciprocal love and security is what most people long for. Sadly I think it is only stumbled on by a lucky few. This is my take on it. (speaking from experience)

Anon for this 12 years ago

Thanks unlucky. I wish to love without fear or reservation, like when I was much younger - and know I am loved in return. How beautiful would that be? I hope it is possible and that it happens to me :) I want to close my eyes and just trust and feel safe.

Fifilaroux 12 years ago

I think it is possible Anon for this! I have witnessed it through family and friends and in the throws of a relatively new relationship am experiencing it myself for the first time. Don't give up. I think it just comes down to meeting the right person (previously I kept meeting the wrong ones!) and letting your guard down a bit. You sound like a very unselfish person, who has a lot to offer the somebody. I am sorry that your relationship with your mother is so fractured and difficult. You certainly deserve your chance to shoot for the stars and owe it to yourself to do just that. Perhaps you need to pull back from your mother slightly and focus on your self and your dreams a little more? Sending hope and strength to you.