
10 style hacks for getting the most out of your existing wardrobe.

Stylist Jeff Lack shares a few of his secrets for getting the most out of your wardrobe. We’re huge fans of his rule that you should be wearing 80 per cent of your wardrobe, not 20 like most people tend to do. This will involve careful curation and some culling, but even that can be fun if you tackle it right.

Get your wardrobe sorted.

When you’re busy conquering the world, the last thing a time-poor person wants to waste time on is deciding what to wear. However, we’ve all had that ‘I have nothing to wear!’ moment. A well organised, tidy and lifestyle-appropriate wardrobe will save you time and headache.

Listen: Stylist Sarah Elizabeth Turner on how to turn your wardrobe around.

What, exactly, is “lifestyle appropriate”? Ask yourself this… Do I have more casual pieces in my wardrobe when I ultimately spend more time in smart business attire? As a rule, aim to wear 80 per cent of your wardrobe instead of 20 per cent, like most do. This usually comes from our attraction to clothing we wear for socialising and the weekend. Look objectively at the balance of business versus leisure and make a plan to get your wardrobe working for you.

Let’s start with some tried and proven tips to solve this all too often dilemma.

1. Declutter your wardrobe. If it doesn’t fit, suit you, or is worn out – send it to your favourite charity.

2. Design a wardrobe space that gives easy access to your most worn pieces.

3. Create a wish list of pieces that are clearly missing from your wardrobe, along with a suitable budget.

4. Shop for the wish list only (no impulse buys!) and adhere to the budget.

5. Combine any new pieces with your existing wardrobe and flat-lay photograph ensembles that you can easily access from your phone or laptop.

The stylist’s rules for shopping.

My shopping philosophy is, “Buy once, buy right”. No impulse buys and no purchasing just because it’s on sale. This form of retail therapy is rather healthy if you have a plan. Magic doesn’t just happen. Armed with your wish list, go into your favourite store and ask for the items you’re looking for.

If an item fits well and looks good, put it on hold for a couple of hours and assign the brand to the piece listed on your wish list. Once you have finished sourcing the complete wish list, you will know which store to go back and purchase from. To avoid buyer’s remorse, try the items on again and ask yourself, “Can I see myself wearing this regularly?” Remember that your size will vary from label to label.

Here are some super easy tips for next time you shop.

1. When buying jeans, buy one size down from the pair that feels perfect. They always stretch at least one size.

2. When buying shoes, they must fit firmly, but not pinching. Take the time for your feet to warm up to the shoes, which means standing and walking in them for a few minutes.

3. If a piece is close but not quite perfect, check if it can be altered without too much additional cost to make it perfect.

4. Ask shop assistants what their current inspiration is from the latest collection, you’d be surprised at how the level of service changes, based on a little personal interest.

5. Hire a personal stylist; they are worth their weight in gold. The decisions made with a stylist will save you time, money and hassle.

The post originally appeared on Collective Hub. You can read the original post here.

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Rach 7 years ago

"Hire a personal stylist" ahahahahahahahaaaa too funny!

Anon 7 years ago

I've never had a pair of jeans expand after washing. Am I doing it wrong? Washing machine, cool water and laundry detergent...?