
If this baby product doesn't win best for 2015, nothing will.

Okay, I’m being a little bit sarcastic with that headline.

But once you see what I’m talking about, you might have a bit of a giggle to yourself too.

Putting all the stuff between breast vs bottle aside… the most annoying thing about bottle feeding (I assume) is having to have both hands full.

I mean, one is holding the baby and the other is holding the bottle to feed the baby, right?

Well… not anymore.

Enter a contender for the best baby product of 2015…

The Beebo.

Watch the video here (post continues after the video).

The advantages of The Beebo:

Dad can pseudo breastfeed. Just like in Meet the Fockers.

You no longer have to eat your dinner after everyone else. Because you can feed yourself at the same time.

Your baby barely tells the difference between the bottle and your breast. Hashtag no mummy guilt.

You can text, check Facebook, post a #milkdrunk photo to Instagram and snap chat.

Okay, in all seriousness.

The creators of The Beebo are Martin and Sarah Hill. They came up with the solution to bottle feeding when they realised that sometimes a parent just really needs to multi-task while bottle feeding a baby. On their website, they say,

"Martin and Sarah were surprised to find that The Beebo offered much more than just a free hand. It also enhanced feeding time by providing the freedom to read and interact more with their baby during those precious moments. It helped them bond with their baby and keep their baby close while they managed their busy day."

The Beebo retails for US$39.95 and comes in yellow, orange or blue. Unfortunately, it isn't available to be shipped to Australia - but if you have a friend in the US...

Would you use The Beebo?

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