
The tampon you can share with a best friend.


It’s time to really test your friendship.

You and your best friend are probably pretty close.

You may share clothes. Shoes. You may even share razors sometimes (gasp!).

But there is now a way for you to truly test the strength of your friendship. To see just how far you both are willing to go for each other in the name of closeness.

Now, you have the opportunity to finally share a tampon.*

I know, I know. All your Christmases, right?

Friends Forever Tampons uses the power of two tampons connected by one string to bring friendships literally and figuratively closer together.*

Speaking to The Cut, Friends Forever Tampon founder Kat Thek said the tampon(s) can bring friends closer for up to “8 hours at a time”.*


And careful not one to exclude anyone, Thek admitted there is a prototype in the works for a pad as well.*

“We are not able to reveal the proprietary design details, but we can confirm that Friends Forever Maxi Pads will make it easy to get into the flow and ride horses/dance in white pants with your best friend.”*


In other good news, all of our Christmas/birthday presents are now sorted.

Bless you, Friends Forever Tampon.*

* The Friends Forever Tampon may or may not be a real thing.

If you like this, you’ll like:

Video: what happens when a tampon gets lost inside of you?

Dear Tampons: I’m breaking up with you.

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