
Stuff my kids ruined


Every parent has been there at some point … when things go oddly quiet in a house with small kids, chances are they've been up to no good. When Julie Haas Brophy's youngest son spilled a can of black paint all over their dining room rug in 2010, she got the idea for her hilarious website . The website showcases photo entries by parents sharing evidence of their childrens destruction. Julie's mission for this project is comic relief, "If you’re a parent, I hope you identify and laugh, and feel just a little bit better that others go through it, too." 

Foraging through the entries on this website made me laugh (mostly in shock) until I cried. It's true, kids do the darndest things! Here are some of my favourites. Get those tummy muscles prepared for a good ol' chuckle.


Janel spent a quiet night at her compute

In the name of brushing your teeth

These two little

When kids take baking to a whole new level

What started off as a lovely early morning bake off turned messy when these kids managed to spread 9 kilograms of flour throughou

A touch of midnight artistry

After being put to bed and while their parents were watching tv, two little darlings (aged 4 and 5) managed to creep into the kitchen, stock up on cake decorati

The evidence is in the footprints

Ahhhh ... the dog did it?!

Carpet Canvas

The calamitous 

Daddy, I don't feel good

This poor little tot exploded vomit all over the front of his father, and a little into dad's mouth (aghh).

Pastel puppy

These parents found a very sad, violate


Hey mum, check out my new haircut. I did it myself!!

Birds of a feather

"My 7 year-old decided he ne

Ovens, not just for food

Warning: If your children a

Fish tank graveyard

When the pet fish is looking a b


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