
'My kids were conceived via a sperm donor. Then I discovered they had half-siblings in the next suburb.'

In 2016, Kirsten came across an image that stopped her right in her tracks.

It was a picture of a young boy doing swimming lessons at a local Brisbane public swimming pool. 

The photo had been uploaded to a Facebook-equivalent social networking platform, designed for families who have used the same American sperm donor. The platform had dozens of families on there from across the world — each sharing updates on their kids

Kirsten had immediately recognised the swimming pool and swimming instructor — because she too was originally from Brisbane. So she decided to contact the mum who had uploaded the photo, given Kirsten also had a child from this same sperm donor

"I messaged her out of the blue and knew it was a bit weird. But the circumstances were so interesting. I mean, the sperm donor agency we used wasn't available in Australia. I had my son in London. So that's why it was so bizarre to see this mum lived in the next suburb over from where I was originally from in Brisbane," Kirsten said to Mamamia

Kirsten ended up moving back home to Australia and decided to properly catch up with the mum from the swimming pool. It was the beginning of a beautiful, modern friendship. 

Watch Mamamia Confessions: What I'd tell my 15-year-old self. Post continues below.

The other half of this story belongs to Priscilla Jeha. 

When she was approaching 40, Priscilla felt very aware of her 'clock', and knew motherhood was something she really wanted. There was no partner on the horizon, so she decided to have kids on her own terms.

At the time Priscilla was living in London, using a clinic with sperm donors sourced from America. In 2016, Priscilla gave birth to twins Tallulah and Angus. Shortly after, she and the twins relocated back to Brisbane. 

Kirsten had a somewhat similar path — always knowing she wanted to have children. A while after a long-term relationship ended, she was told her fertility levels were low. 

After being told by a doctor that she "needed to get cracking", she decided to go through the sperm donation process while still living in the UK. She was in her late 30s.

And she just happened to choose the same US sperm donor as Priscilla, Kirsten having her son in 2014 and her daughter in 2018.

The first time Priscilla and Kirsten met at a local Brisbane park, they weren't immediately "soul sisters". But as time progressed and more catch-ups and kids' playdates occurred, the "magic really started happening".

"The fact we found each other within a suburb's distance, despite the global nature of the circumstances is just pure coincidence but pure delight as well," Priscilla said to Mamamia

"And for our kids, it's super special too. They don't 'pine' for each other — they're all still quite young and probably don't understand the gravity of biologically being half-siblings, but the friendship bond is certainly there."

Priscilla now refers to their respective kids as 'diblings', short for donor siblings. 

"We've both been very, very clear and honest with the kids about our respective decisions and the journey to becoming mothers. We also both happened to want a sperm donor who was open to the children getting in touch with them once they reached the age of 18," Priscilla explained.

And amazingly, Priscilla recently received a message out of the blue from a woman named Lisa, another mum who has a child from the same donor too. 

"The agency has told us this is the final mother who now lives in Australia that has used that same US donor. In May she's booked in to come and meet all of us here in Brisbane, along with her young daughter," Priscilla said. "It's so lovely."

As Kirsten said, it's been really empowering to meet so many incredible women who have accomplished so much while following the same path of using a sperm donor and going it alone. And for Kirsten and Priscilla, they've now fortified a strong bond together. 

"We're very different personalities, but we just click. We could gladly catch up without the kids, it's no longer a point that the kids define our relationship," Priscilla said, Kirsten adding: "There's so many special parts to this journey of having kids. But one of the most special is that it brought us together as friends."

And they're also looking towards similar goals in the near future, Priscilla working on her small business St Agnus Rituals, and Kirsten doing the same with her side hustle, Big Bright Blue. 

Now, more than seven years on from making those brave decisions to do motherhood their own way, Kirsten and Priscilla say it's a decision they have never regretted.

"I never imagined myself having kids this way. But I'm so grateful for where I am. It's not the right decision for everyone, and it's a choice to be considered carefully," Kirsten said.

"I want people to know that it just so happens to be a different path - and that doesn't make it any less special or meaningful. And now, I have my own beautiful family. It's a real privilege."

Instagram: Supplied from Priscilla. 

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