
"Seriously misguided." Why people are furious about this hotel ad featuring a couple.

If there’s one thing that belongs in the 1950s, it’s blatantly sexist advertisements.

You know the ones? Suggesting women only like cooking, cleaning and sewing? And losing weight?

When an advertisement for Sofitel Brisbane featured in Fairfax’s Good Weekend magazine over the weekend, the women of the world pointed out that there were some harmful generalisations going on.

Twitter users commented that the ad was a “stereotype alert” and “seriously misguided.”

The reason? The food and the reading material.

Within the ad, the man is seen reading The Financial Review while a woman reads… a Chanel coffee table book.

The sort that might gather dust on small table in a chic boutique.


But to add fuel to the fire, the man seems to be having the best brekky ever, enjoying pastries, while the woman is left with some fruit.

God forbid she touch a carb!

The people of Twitter were furious.

A spokesperson for Sofitel Brisbane has apologised for the advertisement, and says it has been pulled from any future publications.

What do you think about the advertisement? Tell us in the comments. 

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Top Comments

Jil 6 years ago

Do you know how many women now don't want to identify as feminists, this article is the reason why.

Anon 6 years ago

This is what we get furious about nowadays? Pathetic. Sofitel - don’t pull your ad amid this ridiculous criticism.