
More than half of parents say sex after kids is even better than before.

Many parents-to-be worry that their sex lives will suffer after having kids – but a new survey has revealed that the opposite is true.

UK parenting website Channel Mum recently conducted a survey of 1,118 couples with children – and discovered some surprising results.

Almost everyone surveyed – 94 per cent – said they were satisfied with their sex lives, with 57 per cent reporting it was even better after having children. Phew.

It also found that new parents waited an average of 58 days before having sex after childbirth.

And possibly the best news of all? While most mums still worry about their post-baby body, two-thirds of men said they actually preferred their partner's curvier post-birth figure.

One third said they hadn't noticed any difference in their partner's body, and just three per cent said they didn't like post-pregnancy physical changes in their partner.

Meanwhile, almost a third said they were actually having more sex after having kids and that the focus on quality and not quantity of sex had made it more satisfying.

According to the Daily Mail, Channel Mum founder Siobhan Freegard welcomed the survey results.

"Having a baby is the biggest change you can bring into a relationship, so it's wonderful to see it can bring couples closer together rather than drive them apart," she said.

"While no one is pretending it's easy to get your love life back on track post-birth, perhaps new mums can enjoy their extra curves as much as their partner does."

I think we can all agree that this survey is excellent news - for parents and non-parents alike.

Is your sex life better after having kids?

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