
Behold, one of the most embarrassingly ugly couple fights to happen on Australian TV.

If Seven Year Switch‘s Michael and Kaitlyn are learning anything from the “switch therapy” experiment, it’s certainly not how to argue effectively.

The couple had one of the most embarrassing screaming matches seen on reality TV during Monday night’s episode – and it started with food-shaming.

Returning from a swim at a secluded creek where they’d both stripped off to swim while on a trip away in the Northern Territory, the pair were trapped in a car on their way back to the airport.

Listen: The Binge discusses this season of Seven Year Switch.

When personal trainer Michael complained about a lack of healthy food options and being forced to get a burger, Kaitlyn accused him of not living the healthy life he’s promoting.

This arced up Michael who food-shamed the American for her copious consumption of bagels and Red Bulls.

“You have, like, three a day. And then you have, like, three coffees. And then you have cream cheese,” he taunted.

“Yeah, well, you have coffee. And you had a burger and fries. Don’t preach to me on healthy eating,”  responded.

Defensive, Michael screamed that he wasn't, she's the one who "f**king brought it up!" before asking for silence.

It's when the social media manager pointed out that Michael was still talking, that he got nasty, accusing Katilyn of "working for cash", living on "benefits" and "trying to marry someone to get a green card."

"Why would I... I live in the best f*cking country in the world," Katilyn started before the couple descends into an incomprehensible, swear-filled screaming match.

And just when you think you couldn't feel any less comfortable watching a couple fight, Michael began mimicking Kaitlyn, yelling "Michael" repeatedly in an American accent.

"F*ck off! F*ck off mate, I’m not going nowhere," he finished.

It's not the first time the couple have argued on the show, with Kaitlyn previously accusing Michael's fiancée Felicity of just being on the show for a free holiday.

Kaitlyn revealed her own motives for going on the show - pushing the relationship forward - probably weren't the best in an interview with The Daily Telegraph's Confidential.

"I’m really playing with fire here, obviously," the Florida woman told the newspaper.

"I wouldn’t suggest anyone doing anything as crazy as this if they want their boyfriend to propose.

"They always say don’t try to push someone to change, and that’s exactly what I did."

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