
Softly-spoken Nadia writes erotic fiction

My friend Jacki is a very bright woman. She runs her own successful business, is creative and articulate, has three gorgeous kids, and is married to a surgeon. She used to be the head of marketing of an international company, and is one of the most stylish people I know.

And, as I found out recently, she is completely addicted to The Real Housewives of New York City. And The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills. And The Real Housewives of New Jersey. In fact, put a Real Housewife on the air and Jacki will watch it. She also follows the characters on Facebook, and spends hours discussing their antics with friends and in online forums.

“When on earth do you find time to do all this?” I asked her.

Jacki shrugged. “I watch them and go online when the kids are asleep and Daniel is working,” she said. “It’s my guilty pleasure. I love them.”

Now don’t get me wrong. I like a bit of Housewives myself every now and then. Still, the fact that Jacki – an ambitious, highly educated career woman – is a tragic Housewives addict is utterly incongruous to me.

Then there is Darren, the husband of a friend. I’ve known Darren for over ten years, and yet he’s barely said a word to me. A highly successful lawyer, Darren is gruntish, blokish, and highly sportish. He discusses cricket and footy with my husband, and occasionally exchanges information about falling stock markets or the price of housing, but that’s about it.

So when I discovered recently that Darren had been a male model in his twenties, posing poutingly for fashion shoots in corduroy and leather, I nearly fell off my chair.

And of course, who can forget Nadia*, a mother from my daughter’s school? Nadia is a lovely, conservative, softly-spoken mum of two boys, married to a friendly, earnest looking accountant. I had always assumed Nadia was a librarian, or a special-ed teacher, or a co-ordinator in an aged care facility. But no, apparently Nadia writes erotic fiction. As in, hard core erotic. Her characters are into every single orifice you can imagine, and possibly others you can’t. When I found out, my mouth fell onto the floor. It’s still hanging there, a year later.

As for me, well, I’m an open book. I’m just a mother of three, a writer, and a wife. I like Nutella, reading books, and going to bed early. There is nothing about me that would surprise you at all.

Of course I do think Eminem is the greatest genius who ever lived, but you would have picked that, right ?

What about you? Is there anything about you that people would be surprised to learn?

Kerri Sackville  writes a hilarious blog called Life and Other Crises. She lives in Sydney with her husband, three kids, and Spunky the rabbit. Her first book, “When My Husband Does The Dishes…”, is out now. You should follow Kerri’s blog here and catch up with her on Twitter here

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Top Comments

Anonymous 13 years ago

I know I'm not supposed to say this but some of the best nights of my life have been on illegal drugs. I really haven't had any bad experiences on them. I rarely take them now but for about 10 years I would take them recreationally and love that they seem to open up a different part of my brain. I understand that some people have terrible experiences but for me they have only been magical!

lara 13 years ago

I slept with two co workers around the same time. I'm pretty sure they knew that I was sleeping with both of them. Hmm, that was a bit slutty but I wonder why I feel like the slut and not them? It was fun and just casual fun.

I lost my virginity to an escort. It was worth the cash I gave him.

I was in a relationship for 6 years with a woman and since we broke up I've found it hard to tell my closest girlfriends, who I've got closer to since the break up that I'm bisexual.

I love watching porn and sometimes think I was a woman born with a male brain. Either that or too much testosterone. I don't understand women who don't enjoy sex. Given the chance I'd indulge every single day.

I'm sure there's more but that's more than enough.