
The scariest movies of all time. You can freak out now.

I can’t say I’m a huge fan of scary movies, at least not anymore. As a teenager I loved terrifying myself to a point where my legs would shake, my knees would knock together and I was too scared to look under my bed or in my wardrobe, especially at night.

Who knew what could be under there waiting for me, or in there, ready to pounce?

The Mirror in the UK has surveyed 2000 Brits to come up with what they consider the scariets movie of all time and it is…


The top five scariest movies of all time, according to the survey, are:

  1. The Excorcist
  2. The Shining
  3. The Silence of the Lambs
  4. The Blair Witch Project
  5. The Birds

However a quick survey of the Mamamia office showed that many of us disagreed, with Aussie taste in scary movies more varied than our British counterparts.

Coming up with a definitive list of scariest movies of all time brought back many, terrible memories. Even those of us who swear off such movies these days couldn't help but look at movie clips and photos. There were a lot of chills going down a lot of spines.

Here is our list of 24 of the scariest movies of all time, as voted by Mamamia staff with our top choice about an innocent looking doll with deadly intentions.

WARNING: This list contains lots of horror as well as heaps of spoilers.

Scariest Movies


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