
The end is nigh.

Robots are refusing to admit that they are robots.

This is how it begins.

We are all going to die at the mechanical hands of evil machines.


Michael Scherer, a reporter at Time Magazine in the US, recently got a call from a woman who wanted to sell him health insurance. Her name was Samantha West. But something about Samantha sounded a little… off.

Scherer was convinced Samantha was a robot. So he called the number back to test her out. According to Time:

It’s happening.

“When Scherer asked point blank if she was a real person, or a computer-operated robot voice, she replied enthusiastically that she was real, with a charming laugh.

But then she failed several other tests. When asked “What vegetable is found in tomato soup?” she said she did not understand the question. When asked multiple times what day of the week it was yesterday, she complained repeatedly of a bad connection.”


Scherer recorded a couple of the conversations and they are really, really freaky.

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Samantha wasn’t giving any hints as to her true murderous robot identity, so Time decided to try and get to the bottom of the whole thing. They called the insurance company direct and asked a few people about Samantha. They all hung up. Eventually a man answered, who said he would look into whether a ‘Samantha West’ worked at the company.

The next day the number was disconnected and the company’s website was gone. GONE.


Anybody else think it was totally a front for Skynet? Did we learn NOTHING from Terminator and/or 2001: A Space Odyssey?!?

Start hoarding canned food and bottled water people. This is happening.

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Top Comments

Michael Bian 10 years ago

Great article..Thank you for sharing this one..

LD 10 years ago

Rosie, I so agree. It's weirded me out for a long time. Can you please pretty please find another reality show to write about? I miss your Bachelor updates.

mils 10 years ago

I second the motion