real life

This is what happens when you meet people you're friends with on Facebook in real life.


Have you got friends on Facebook, that you can barely even remember who they are? Someone you met at a work conference, or from your high school days, who you never interact with in real life? Many people (read: almost everybody) does.

YouTube filmmaker Greg Benson set out to surprise some of his Facebook friends by interacting with them in real life – an activity which is almost unheard of these days.

What made the reunion a little more awkward, is that Benson had NEVER ACTUALLY MET any of these people in real life before.

Greg ends up befriending a man who collects awesome lego, and a model who lives in a castle. So, you know. It was clearly a worthwhile experiment.

Do you have friends on Facebook who you have never met? If someone turned up on your doorstep as part of a ‘real life Facebook video’, would you hang out with them? Or call the authorities? 

Top Comments

Adrienne 10 years ago

The thing is that different people have different ideas about what FB is all about. To be a FB friend isn't the same as a real friend for many people. It is often just a network. Musicians use it for when they are looking for other musicians etc. Many people don't use it for actual personal stuff at all.
This reminds me of an episode of Big Bang Theory when someone played Words With Friends against Stephen Hawking so that he could call him a friend!
So, it is fine to use it however suits you best. If you want to limit it to actual friends then you can, if you want to use it differently, then you can. I mean there are people who have befriended everybody on FB who has the same name as them!

kam0706 10 years ago

I am RL friends with seveal people I have met online. None of whom I originally connected with on FB but I friended them on FB before we met IRL. And they are WONDERFUL people and I've made some close friends.