real life

What the hell is a polyamorous couple? Glad you asked...


So there is a man, his wife, and the woman who shares their bed.

No, this isn’t the beginning of a long and complicated riddle. Thirty-eight-year-old Kamala Devi and 49-year-old Michael McClure don’t believe in monogamy. They live in San Diego with their six-year-old son, Devin.

And they have taken to the internet to describe the amazing benefits of being polyamorous and how they have a regular female guest come over for sexy times in their marital bed. They believe this to be extremely beneficial for all involved and for their 6-year-old son’s psychological development.

…. Come on guys, just call it a threesome. Okay?

Top Comments

Anon 10 years ago

How in the hell could it be beneficial for the son???? Confusing yes. More beneficial for the husband.

Sherro 10 years ago

Gay relationships are fine, but people attack poly relationships? What happened to love and equality and not judging what works for others?

Annoying 10 years ago

The article isn't about a bunch of people in an open relationship - it's about a married couple and their girlfriend. Why introduce marriage into the equation if what you're wanting is something entirely different?

Marriage between two people at the exclusion of all others, till death do you part, for better or worse, yadda yadda ya, doesn't need to change in any way if it's between two people of the same or opposite gender. The emotional, legal and social implications can all be identical whether it's a gay or straight couple.

A 'marriage' between more than two people by definition cannot be between two people at the exclusion of all others. So you're not signing up for marriage - you're just signing up for non monogamy...which is an entirely different social and legal concept. And that's totally cool, if everyone is up for it...but it is in no way the same as a gay couple or as gay marriage, and shouldn't be compared.

Any laws relating to custody, property, medical decisions and so on cannot apply in a +2 de facto scenario - they would have to be completely rethought. In comparison, a gay relationship is no different in any way than a non-gay relationship. Nothing changes.

I honestly cannot grasp why people compare gay relationships to poloyrelationships. Non-hetero doesn't mean eh-its-all-the-same