
The hilarious tweets that show exactly how Australia feels about the plastic bag ban.

It’s literally been just two weeks since Woolworths banned plastic bags in their stores, with Coles joining them more recently, and the people of Australia have spoken – they’re hating it.

Social media has been flooded with comments from outraged shoppers who seem to be having a hard time wrapping their head around the concept of taking a reusable bag to the supermarket with them.

As reported by, one shopper was so annoyed by not having anything to cart their groceries home in, they loaded their entire trolley into the boot of their car. Literally the whole damn thing.

Many people can’t seem to understand why the supermarket giants have banned plastic bags, but still continue to wrap their produce in plastic packaging. Fair point.

While some customers claim taking your own shopping bags to the supermarket really isn’t rocket science, others are fuming.

We scanned Twitter for the best of the best tweets:

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Top Comments

Ss 6 years ago

Can someone for the love of god make a really good reusable bag that folds up really tiny that I can put in my handbag? The woolies ones are so bulky

Queenie's Back 6 years ago

Woolworths also stocks small material bags that fold up and have an elastic strap to hold them in place. These are extremely strong and washable and fold up to about 15cm long and maybe 6 or 7cm wide. I know I work in WW and am living through this now. I always encourage people to use these ones because they do fold up so well.

Funbun 6 years ago

If you have a google there's many different types and styles of them available that should fit that description :)

Laura Palmer 6 years ago

I find it hillarious, but also sad. Get. A. Grip. Oh, and don't forget your bags :D

Rush 6 years ago

Get a grip... on your bags, you might say!

Laura Palmer 6 years ago

Precisely. If this is all you're worried about, life is pretty good!

Queenie's Back 6 years ago

Oh for the love of Jesus I couldn't agree more. I have written a big long post which I hope is printed about this new modern implementation into the life of retail staff called Bag Rage. I am somewhat ashamed of the manner in which fellow Qld'ers have behaved and sometimes have to bite my tongue to avoid asking shoppers if I could possibly kiss their over privileged arses as they leave the shop with a free 15c bag simply because for some reason they weren't prepared for the dates that the giant grocery shops stopped providing them. Honestly you must live on some other planet if you didn't hear somewhere about it or see one of the enormous great posters or the smaller posters on every checkout. Half of the species have an IQ of less than 80 and it seems a shitload of them shop where I work.