
"I thought my kid's behaviour was normal - then she was expelled from day care".


It’s official. I am the parent of what people diplomatically like to call a “spirited” child. It’s code for “high maintenance” or — the less polite version — “demanding little shit”.

When did I discover this? I think it first really dawned on me when the woman who ran my little girl’s family daycare called to tell me she was giving us notice and that she’d had enough of madam’s difficult behaviour.

Mortified doesn’t even begin to express my reaction. Devastated, angry, shocked, confused — I was all of those things (but more on that later.)

According to — let’s call her Bev — my sweet darling child, who had for the last year been playing harmoniously with her little friends at daycare and generally loving life, had over the last month or so developed a penchant for snatching toys, grabbing, hitting and being an all round disruptive little turd. Not that it was happening constantly — it was maybe one day in every five that it was rearing its ugly head — but clearly it was enough for Bev to put her in the “doesn’t play well with others” category.

Now, I feel it important to add this little detail here as it does have some bearing on the situation. My daughter is 20 months old. That’s right, she’s not yet two.

I’m no childrearing expert or cognitive scientist, but it’s a universally known fact that toddlers aren’t too hot at reasoning or impulse control. It’s not until they hit three that the part of their brain develops which allows them to exercise self-control and develop those all-important social skills.

So as you can understand, my first response was: Isn’t this behavior pretty normal? Is this not just a classic toddler phase that we can work through together as her caring team?

Apparently not. After a year of getting to know my little girl and us (I naively thought we were friends!) and having no problems or concerns whatsoever, all of a sudden we were deemed “not the right fit”. No discussions, no “let’s try this and see how it goes”, it was game over.

The challenges with finding another childcare space at short notice notwithstanding, I found this a really hard pill to swallow. I’ll admit, my daughter is high maintenance. She’s boisterous, energetic, bossy. She likes things her own way. She sometimes says “no” just to see what I’ll do. Right now she’s testing the waters, seeing what she can get away with. But she’s also charming, hilarious and loving. She responds with affection to people who engage with her. She’s whip smart — already — and curious about the world around her.

For someone who knows and has developed a relationship with my child to want to suddenly wash her hands of her was completely devastating. It was rejection — plain and simple. I felt — I still feel — incredibly let down.

I spent 24 hours obsessing over the situation, doubting myself and my parenting skills, my stomach a big heavy knot of anxiety. How could she do this to us? Didn’t she love my daughter? Doesn’t she care what happens to her and want to help her? And also, bubbling away behind all of the hurt, how the hell am I going to find another childcare place? I’d turned down two waitlist spaces in the last three months because I foolishly believed we’d found the perfect environment.

I even took to my parenting group on Facebook to ask other mums if they thought the behavior Bev was describing warranted this extreme reaction.

That’s what really helped put things into perspective for me. The support I got from other mums — including my own, herself mother to a very spirited child — was incredible.

Yes, they said, she may be more ‘spirited’ than some other kids her age, but this kind of behavior IS normal. It IS a phase. It IS something that a childcare professional should be equipped to deal with — and frankly, if they aren’t, then they’re in the wrong job.

Watch The Motherish Team confess to the moment they felt like terrible mothers. 

Most importantly, they reminded me that my daughter is better off in a place with someone who makes the welfare of the children they look after their priority — not someone who’s looking for an easy ride. (Again, I’ll reiterate: If an easy life is what you’re after, a career in childcare is probably not “the right fit” for you either.)

Unfortunately, I learned that this isn’t an isolated incident. There are some carers out there who pick and choose the kids in their care to make sure they’re surrounded with placid, easygoing children who sit and play quietly by themselves all day (and that’s their prerogative).

Don’t get me wrong, those kids are wonderful too, and if you have one, then lucky you! But rejecting a more demanding child because you can’t be bothered to explore or work through a problem…well, that’s just failing in your duty of care.

We place such a huge amount of trust in the people that look after our kids. We close the gate, jump in the car and drive off to work assuming that the person or people caring for them have their best interests at heart. We hope that they will come to love them and that our kids will love them back, if for no other reason than it helps assuage the guilt of leaving them.

To learn that this isn’t always the case — that for us, it was in fact the opposite — was quite a shock. It’s certainly given me a very different perspective on childcare and reminded me that, as much as we would love to think otherwise, it’s ultimately a paid transaction. We give them money, they look after our kids. Love isn’t part of the deal — at least, it’s not an essential.

So to those parents who, like me, have a ‘spirited’ child: I hope you don’t have to go through this, or something similar. But you probably will at some point — maybe you already have. Our kids can be polarising.

They feel things more keenly, they express themselves more loudly, they react more intensely. But when they charge at you for a cuddle, when they shower you with ferocious kisses or cling to you for dear life because you’re the most important person in their world and no one else comes close…that’s when you know you wouldn’t have it any other way.

And if nothing else, we now have an excellent anecdote for her dad’s father-of-the-bride speech. “We knew this parenting gig wasn’t going to be an easy ride when, at aged 20-months, our daughter was expelled from daycare.” You can’t make that shit up.

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Top Comments

kazzo_96 2 years ago
We’ve just had the same thing happen. Our family daycare teacher (our daughter has only been with her 5 days total over the last week and a half) emailed the invoice for last week today and included that she was basically kicking our daughter out with her last day being April 14th, she has accused our daughter of being “aggressive” but changed her reasoning and stories different times and has now said she can’t handle our daughters needs as our daughter is too independent, our daughter is 2 at the end of May and likes to do things herself or likes to sit by herself and play sometimes and this daycare lady doesn’t like it. It’s also come about that apparently our daughter is targeting 2 of her long term children who happen to be family friends of her’s BUT only when she leaves the room. Now my question is how does she even know it’s our child and why is she leaving 3-5 kids alone in a room. And the thing is at every pick up she’s told us our daughters had a great day and not once mentioned incidents. When questioned by my partner she kept ignoring it then said she didn’t worry if it was a minor one off thing but as apparently our daughter smashed a kids head in a wall 3 times causing him to need medical attention she terminated our enrolment then and there. But in the email she never even mentioned that incident it was only when my partner contacted her that she did. And like I said we have not been told of any incidents nor have we seen any of the incident reports she has apparently done. I know some of the behaviour she has mentioned on/off today is normal for that age when a toy is snatched from them which apparently happened yesterday but she is supposed to notify us of any issues which she has failed to do, if we had known there were issues we would have worked out a way to sort it out. I now have to quit my full time job I started yesterday 

Penny 7 years ago

While I sympathise with you with regards to having to deal with your daughter losing her place in day care and the reason why, based on what was said in the article to me it seems you have approached this problem the wrong way and with the wrong attitude, which is probably why the carer wanted to end the relationship quite bluntly. My son is the same age. All the behaviours you listed exhibited by your daughter are absolutely normal and I have seen in many children including my own of the same age. However; just because the behaviour is normal does not make it tolerable or give us an excuse to ignore it or not correct it. All toddlers are "spirited" but not all toddlers are correctly guided and redirected from poor behaviour which is when it becomes a problem. If the behaviour is corrected at home consistently then it makes it much easier for the carer to maintain control and continue to correct behaviour when you are gone. No child at any age should be constantly hitting, grabbing and behaving in a volatile manner. The fact that an experienced child carer felt they could no longer provide safe care for your child means that this behaviour was not occasional. If I was in your position I would have an appointment booked with a pediatrician asap and seek as much help as possible to effectively control the behaviour so this doesn't happen again as she grows older and develops the ability to understand the rejection.