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kazzo_96 March 22, 2022

We’ve just had the same thing happen. Our family daycare teacher (our daughter has only been with her 5 days total over the last week and a half) emailed the invoice for last week today and included that she was basically kicking our daughter out with her last day being April 14th, she has accused our daughter of being “aggressive” but changed her reasoning and stories different times and has now said she can’t handle our daughters needs as our daughter is too independent, our daughter is 2 at the end of May and likes to do things herself or likes to sit by herself and play sometimes and this daycare lady doesn’t like it. It’s also come about that apparently our daughter is targeting 2 of her long term children who happen to be family friends of her’s BUT only when she leaves the room. Now my question is how does she even know it’s our child and why is she leaving 3-5 kids alone in a room. And the thing is at every pick up she’s told us our daughters had a great day and not once mentioned incidents. When questioned by my partner she kept ignoring it then said she didn’t worry if it was a minor one off thing but as apparently our daughter smashed a kids head in a wall 3 times causing him to need medical attention she terminated our enrolment then and there. But in the email she never even mentioned that incident it was only when my partner contacted her that she did. And like I said we have not been told of any incidents nor have we seen any of the incident reports she has apparently done. I know some of the behaviour she has mentioned on/off today is normal for that age when a toy is snatched from them which apparently happened yesterday but she is supposed to notify us of any issues which she has failed to do, if we had known there were issues we would have worked out a way to sort it out. I now have to quit my full time job I started yesterday