
Open Post: What's happening in your world?

Thanks to our brand partner, Watson’s Bay Hotel

Good day to you, and welcome to this week’s edition of Open Post.

For those of you who are new to this part of the World Wide Web, Open Post is a weekly tradition here at Mamamia where our writers and readers gather to talk about what’s going on in their lives.

As your Open Post Captain for today, I’ll kick things off.

I’m currently gearing up to move from Adelaide to Sydney and I’m starting to feel a bit home sick for my soon-to-be former home state.

Yep. Home sick. And I haven’t even left yet.

I have lived in Adelaide my entire life.

As anyone who lives in Adelaide will tell you – it’s small. But that’s also one of the things that makes it so great. It’s why our neighbours are also our great friends, and why it doesn’t take me more than 10 minutes to drive into the city, and why you can’t meet someone new without having at least five mutual friends in common.

Since my lovely boyfriend Josh moved to Sydney in February, I’ve been living a strange half life between Adelaide and Sydney.

And while I’m SO excited to have a sense of permanency in my adopted Harbourside home, my move suddenly seems so much more real.

But, at 23, it’s time. A lot of my friends are getting ready to make similar moves and leave their hometown. I just need to talk a few of them into calling Sydney home. And of course, bribe my family into visiting me every second week.

Over to you, what’s happening in your world?


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Top Comments

RainbowWarrior 9 years ago

My last two weeks features a very happy wife. 1. Her middle daughter and grandchildren are "back" permanently from Sweden. 2. A new boss/franchisee have taken over the health franchise she has worked for for three-plus years and has recognised her great record with longer hours as she's always wanted (something the previous franchisee would never do.)

MySharona 9 years ago

This is very sweet - love that from everything that has happened in your week, you chose to write about your wife's happiness. Kudos to you. :-)

toriwannabe 9 years ago

It's been a strange couple of weeks. So many people I know are suffering from depression. I've lost a past colleague to suicide, talked another past colleague OUT of suicide note, a present colleague is/was struggling with depression, a family member is self-harming, another family member isn't coping well with parenthood, the list goes on. I'm trying to be there for everyone and I guess, for some, it's not enough.