
Open post of the week

Time to look at the week at MM and open the floor to you so you can share anything that’s on your mind. It’s shaping up to be a big week at MM with the return of Mamamia on Sky News this Friday at 9:15pm. I’m nervous and excited and daunted and terrified and happy all at once. Business as usual then.

The show

I’m getting EXCITED, did I mention that? We have a new timeslot and a new format (that big scary desk just wasn’t me). Here are the people who’ll be joining me around the table for a chat about the week:

I’m also going to be talking to Lisa Pryor, the journalist and author whose new book is this:













I’m just finishing it at the moment and it’s pretty extraordinary. She has a fascinating and controversial viewpoint that should change the drug debate in this country. Oh, and in the process of writing the book, she made a dramatic change in her own life. I’m so looking forward to talking with her about it. You can buy the book here.

Here’s the promo..

And one more..



Our choice of office footwear has, I know, become a source of fascination for many Mamamia readers who have told us how jealous they are that we have such a relaxed attitude to what constitutes suitable work shoe attire. On Monday, after heading back to The Today Show, I waved the white flag and slunk into my ugg boots that I keep under my desk.

When it was time to go to Sky News to record a new promo for the show (which you can see below), I briefly considered putting my ‘proper’ shoes back on (black ankle boots from Sportsgirl that I bought in Chadstone a year ago and which I’ve worn constantly ever since). But only briefly. Ugg boots it was.

I assumed I’d be sitting on a stool like I usually am for promos but not this time. Standing up! Cropped from the waist though so it was OK. Hell, that’s just how I roll. Wouldn’t have even cared if you’d seen them in the promo. Wore them out to lunch too. Wonder if I’ll start an ugg-boots-and-opaques trend?

Ok, no, that’s not going to happen.

Jessica Rudd

The lovely and talented Jess was in town and dropped by for a chat. Remy (my 2yo) was in the office at the same time and Jess is wearing his pirate hat. I am waving his pirate sword and we’re having a jolly old time, me hearties.

The office barbeque

The Mamamia team keeps growing and we thought we’d break bread, salad and sausages this week. We made the whole building smell like a sausage sizzle.






























The census

We’ll be posting on the census next week but I received the following email from a reader who makes a very poignant point:


Dear Mia,

Help needed please! I am unsure whether you are aware of this issue however I do know that it is one that is close to your heart. This week we are asked to complete the 2011 census. Question 32 asks us to state the number of babies we have given birth to. It then goes on to bluntly advise ‘Only include live births’.

This week also marks my twins birthday’s. One of whom will be indulging in cake and all good things one year olds should be doing. The other will be watching from above as he was very sadly stillborn. This insensitivity around the way this question is posed outrages me. The ABS website claims that this information will be used for population trends – Fair point although I don’t see how my case is different to that of a woman who’s baby was born alive and only stayed with them for a few hours, days or weeks. Both are equally as painful, however one child here is forgotten. It also states that the information will be used for fertility trends???!! This baffles me. How is one to gauge my fertility based on live births. I’m as fertile as they come… This is no indication of fertility whatsoever.

Anyway, I know there are a number of mothers who are reeling from this question and I would love to know how we can get some media coverage behind this issue. Please let me know!

Many thanks


Forms aren’t known for their sensitivity are they? Nor statistics. I can only assume that there are technical reasons for phrasing the question this way but knowing several families who have lost children in this way, I can’t imagine how you would feel having to ‘discount’ your precious baby and feel that he or she didn’t count……

More office fashion..

Our news editor Rick usually wears a shirt, tie and vest of some sort to work. This is a rare moment where we caught him in a dinosaur t-shirt so we thought we should commemorate it.

Lana received an order from Topshop and had a few harsh words about their ‘inconsistent sizing’ problem. No doubt you will be reading more about that in the future!


The most shocking stat of the week:


I wasn’t watching Lateline when this came through on Twitter but it certainly shocked me. If you haven’t seen the Lateline report, you can see it here or read the transcript here – the findings are from an inquiry launched by the Commonwealth Ombudsman into the skyrocketing rates of self-harm and suicide attempts in immigration detention centres.


Free stuff – make a diary note…












Some of you may remember that a couple of months ago we had a – except it wasn’t a garage sale, it was far better. It was all about FREE STUFF. And we are going to be doing it again this week (on Friday in fact). So now is a good time to start thinking about the things that you no longer need or want in your house and we will give you the perfect place to go to find a new home for your unwanted goods. Likewise you may find something that you really want that someone else is giving away.

It’s cool, it’s karma and it’s happening here on Friday.  But you do have to be a member of Mamamia to take part so sign up now, it will only take about 3 seconds.

How cool is this?

I love a good before and after. Artist Sacha Goldberger was the driving force behind this artistic project where he stopped joggers, asked them to sprint for him and then pose right after for his camera. Then a week later, they came back in their work gear to be photographed in his studio in the same light and pose. Goldberger said he wanted to “show the difference between our natural and brute side versus how we represent ourselves to society.”

Go here to see more.


























Finally, I just wanted to thank everyone who contacted me with messages of support after last week’s sporting shlomozzle. Hey, now it’s your turn. Got any questions for the team? The community? Need advice? Need to vent? Or just want to share what’s going on in your life? The floor is yours…….

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Top Comments

Therese 13 years ago

I watched Mamamia on Sky News this week and was really annoyed at Anthony Sharwood. He still doesn't get the concept of 'hero' does he? Is a cyclist a hero? What about the police lady who stayed beside a girl for ten hours, not knowing whether or not the bomb around the girl's neck was live. That's a hero!! I'm sure she can ride a bike too!

monica 13 years ago

Hey, I am STILL gobsmacked about the reaction to the sports thang - and the more I think about it the angrier I get. If someone wants to dedicate their entire lives to riding a bicycle up and down mountains, well,it is their choice but to me, its an utterly pointless pursuit and waste of time and life. Exercise is for keeping fit and having fun. Wasting your life on meaingless challangers is not heroic or something I admire. I just feel sad that someone would want to channel their energies into self-gratification when they could be a useful "real" teachers, doctors, nurses, builders, etc....I feel furious our societiy is so trivial land superficial they think riding a bicycle fast is heroic......and as for chasing balls around field to entertain people, well, that is just immeasurably sad