
Open Post: What's happening in your world?


Welcome to Open Post.

I’m hosting today, which means we’re playing by my rules bitchez. (Sorry mum, I’m not really swearing in a naughty way – just trying to be cool).

So please grab yourself a strong cup of coffee (none of this wimpy decaf business) and a biscuit (with chocolate on it, please) and get comfy. It’s time to tell us what’s been going on in your world.

I’ve been thinking a lot about personalities this week. Specifically my own… but bear with me, I promise this won’t be an entirely narcissistic Open Post.

Here at Mamamia, the team did some personality tests last week – to help us be able to work better together and be more aware of each others’ strengths and weaknesses. It’s not like we AREN’T working well already but hey, the more information the better, right?

Normally, I think those sort of personality profiles are a bit of silly management hoo-haa but I was shocked at how accurate the results were. Both for myself and other members of the Mamamia team.

And despite how similar we are in our interests and work ethic – it turns out that my deputy Lucy, and I are POLAR OPPOSITES when it comes to our personality tests. We are actually inverse to one another. Whereas Mia and I have quite similar personalities. We learn, take criticism, manage people and are motivated in the same ways and by the same things.

HUH? Explain to me management people: how can this be? How come I work so well and have so much fun working with both of these excellent people? I am very confused (which, according to my personality test, is not something I enjoy – I’m a problem solver y’all.)

ANYWAY. All this got me thinking about other important relationships in my life and how similar/different I am to the people I care about the most.

I’m keen to know: do you have a similar personality type to your partner, your friends, your family, your colleagues? Or does the whole ‘opposites attract’ thing, hold true?

Also. I have a favour to ask you all, dear readers. And I’ll ask very nicely. We’re looking at launching a new e-book here at Mamamia and we want to gauge your interest in learning more about how to work effectively from home. Would you do it? Do you already do it?

This survey is super short AND if you give us your email address, you’ll also go in the draw to win a quick and dirty $200 (which is just enough to buy that adorable dress at Witchery I’ve had my eye on). Thanks in advance.

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Top Comments

chellebelle 11 years ago

Jamila those tests are not designed to show what you're good at - they're designed to show what you like/prefer. So just because you prefer to work/be one way (ie similar to Mia) doesn't mean you're not good at working/being another way (ie like Lucy). SO you may enjoy them both equally, and be equally good at working with them, but you prefer to do things one way over another. Truth be told a lot of the time you could probably easily work the same way as Lucy does (ie be quite good at it), but you'd just prefer to do it a different way.

Does that help?

Michelle 11 years ago

Having been on medication for severe anxiety and depression for many years, I picked up my new prescription at the chemist to be told that I should make the effort to smile more, to get out and enjoy the sunshine and that it will make the world of difference. I was so enraged that I couldn't say a word! If only it was that simple....

intern 11 years ago

Sorry to hear that Michelle. Some people just don't get that it's a really serious issue for others and it is their way of life. We need to start embracing the not so good parts of life as the norm too. Not everything is sunny and happy 100% of the time.

Zoee (MM Intern)

Anon58 11 years ago

Oh my god! Michelle, I have been on medication for years too and my MIL & SIL also tell me the same thing. Yet they are the ones who phone me constantly bitching about people over the most trivial things.
I'd change chemists.