
'Bandaids on piercings.' 8 things everyone who played netball as a kid knows to be true.

It’s a Saturday morning and you had to leave the house precisely seven minutes ago. 

You're frantically running around everywhere. Your mum is already waiting in the car and she isn't getting any happier. 

Then you see it. 

Your netball uniform - poking out from under your bed. It’s dirty. And you can’t find your scungies anywhere.  

With the speed and grace of the world's greatest under 10s wing defence, you get dressed and rush to the car, trying to remember the last time you cut your nails. 

Welcome to netball season. 

The six types of sports parents. Post continues below. 

For many of us, netball was a staple of our childhood. The scraped knees, daggy bibs and high-speed balls to the head were essential character development.

Now that we're older (and have the dodgy knees to prove it), we asked the Mamamia community to share some common experiences they remember from childhood netball.

Here are eight things you know to be true if you played netball in Australia.

1. The nail police was real. 

"Trimming your nails every Saturday morning before you ran out the door."

"Tilting your hands back at nail check so they looked short enough."

"The pain of having your nails semi-aggressively cut by your coach before the game."

2. The (many) injuries.

"The constant knee and ankle injuries. I click every time I walk to this day."

"Constantly scabby and scraped knees from playing on asphalt. Maybe I was just more uncoordinated than most."

"Sprained ankles constantly."

3. The snacks were EVERYHTING. 

"Orange slices at half time and red frogs at the end of the game!"

"Oranges at halftime were a highlight."

"Sitting on the sidelines with your mates sharing 50 cent lollies from the canteen."

4. The sacrifices we made.

"Not being able to get your ears pierced during the season."

"Shooting goals with the sun piercing directly into your retinas."

"Having to wear bandaids on piercings."

"If you were taller than your classmates, automatically being put as GS or GK."

"The pain of catching the ball with freezing cold hands during morning practice." 

"Having to sit on the sidelines of the court in the middle of summer and trying to find the one patch of gravel that wasn't burning hot." 

Listen to Mamamia's women's sport podcast, Here If You Need, where Olympic swimmer Cate Campbell and sports journalist Hayley Willis break down the week in sport and share inspiring stories from legendary women of the game. Post continues below. 

5. The random sayings.

"Screaming 'here if you need' at the top of my lungs."

"Toss up!"

"'We used to say 'snap, crackle, pop' when we shot a goal to remember how to position yourself and to this day I can't take a shot without saying it." 

"Before shooting a goal, I would say 'Coke can, cookie jar' to remember my form."

6. The spoken (and unspoken) uniform. 

"Scungies and how uncomfy they were!"

"Visors. So many visors."

"Asking mum to spray two cans of hairspray on my head to keep things sleek."

"Umpires and the weird rule that they had to have a scrunchie on their wrist?"

7. The bizarre training games and exercises. 

"Having to run a lap around EVERY netball court when you missed a shot (I missed a lot)."

"The cut the cake game."

"Fly sticks. It was a game where the coach would put these 'sticks' on the ground that were a certain distance apart and you would have to run with one foot in each gap."

"Myself and the other girls would play a game called rebound, but we didn't know the rules so we would just end up shouting 'rebound' randomly as we tried to shoot a goal."

8. The after-game ritual. 

"The sweaty awkward ‘good match hand claps’ with the other team."

"Receiving McDonalds player of the match vouchers."

"Hoping your name got called out for 'player of the week' after Saturday's game... and pretending to be happy and clap when someone else got it." 

READ MORE: 'My greatest skill is telling what position people would play in netball. Here’s how I do it.'

Feature Image: Getty/Mamamia. 

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poppyg a year ago
Three cheers for (insert team name) Ra Ra Ra. Three cheers for (insert other teams name) Ra Ra Ra. One for the Umps Ra.