
"My son was diagnosed with schizophrenia at 17."




At 6.30am one morning in 2009 I walked into my 17 year old son’s bedroom and cheerily called out, “Morning honey – how did you sleep?”, as I did each and every morning to encourage the little treasure to drag himself out of bed and head off to school. He was sitting his HSC that year, was a little quieter than his usual fairly quiet self, and hadn’t been doing much socialising. Good for him! I thought.

My very sensible son wasn’t out partying, chasing girls and getting wasted, he was at home with his family, locked away in his bedroom, studying.

He looked at me that morning – his skin pale, eyes furtive, and shakily said: “Actually mum, I haven’t slept all night. I’ve been lying here absolutely terrified – I’m scared shitless.”

Not the answer I was hoping for.

That morning, a number of things clicked into place. His social withdrawal suddenly stopped looking so sensible. His desire to be alone in his room wasn’t about being studious after all. In fact my very bright academic son hadn’t been studying at all.

He’d been cowering.

What followed was lots and lots of appointments and referrals – to GP’s, Psychologists, Psychiatrists, alternative health practitioners, an Asperger’s/Autism specialist – he participated in clinical studies at various institutes and universities… you get the picture. Even though it was my son who was ill it took over my entire life as well, and although I tried really hard to act like it was “business as usual”, it’s had a huge effect on our family life as a whole.

At no time over those next couple of years was the “S” word mentioned to me. Seasoned professionals – doctors, psychologists, social workers etc. – all skirted around it. It took a psychiatrist to casually mention as an aside – “Oh, well that’s typical of schizophrenia, of course…”


It was the first I’d heard of it, in relation to my son, and even after all the hundreds – probably thousands –  of hours of research I’d spent – I really didn’t believe that Schizophrenia could be what my beautiful son was suffering from.

Schizophrenia is a terrifying diagnosis. Apart from the boundless suffering that people with schizophrenia go through because of the illness, their suffering is made even worse by the terrible stigma associated with this illness.

One only has to look at how the media portrays schizophrenia – you don’t need me to tell you – we all know.

And it’s simply not true.

My son is the gentlest person I know. He adores his three younger siblings and is particularly close to his youngest sister – probably because she simply sees him without all the labels and she gives him absolutely unconditional love.

He’s responsible, highly intelligent (devastatingly handsome – just sayin!) and has a wonderful, black sense of humour. That he suffers from depression and schizophrenia is most certainly not the most interesting thing about him.

My hope for him is that he will continue to feel better, and to be more able to cope with the world in which we live (and, let’s face it – that can be pretty tough for all of us). I hope he will find a path that inspires him and brings him some joy. But for people who have schizophrenia that path is often blocked by systems that don’t work, and judgement by those who are frightened by something they haven’t taken the time to understand.

I’ll find a path for him even if I have to lay every bloody paving brick down myself.


The author of this post is known to Mamamia but has chosen to remain anonymous.

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Top Comments

uptonjane39 3 years ago
My son. 20was diagnosed at 18 whilst in hospital, he was there 3 and a half months, which like a torture to me as I knew he also was undiagnosed autistic.  In the end when he left he was diagnosed autistic but I hated the hospital.  He still acts as if it was a kind of holiday as he didn't understand why he was really there.  
In the UK although it's maintained mental health is widely understood and accepted. IT ISN'T.  My son shouts about Jesus at the town and many are very ignorant or nasty about it. I am presently worried so much I'm trying to not get Ill myself ,I really want him to be ok. I hope everyone here is appreciated for their efforts and the government's shou all do a lot more to help families in this situation.  

My God son developed schizophrenia a year ago. He has turn for the worst. He tells my sister that his going to kill her.He dropped his pants and started playing with him self. Day in and day out he calls her names. He was put at a mental institution but get release after 72 hours. We don’t know what to do for him anymore. Any suggestions 
uptonjane39 3 years ago
@mamamia-user-907358569 I try to get my son to have herbal drinks like bed relaxing drinks or lavender ,and use lavender oil in the home as it has a calming effect.  It does help where other things fail. They won't always have it but use the lavender on pillows even settees and in candles or burners if safe