
The mum who threw out her all kids’ toys. And she says she has never been happier.


Like many homes Allie Casazza’s was filled to the brim with toys. Drawers spilling out with dolls. Stuff everywhere. Blocks and dump trucks. Puzzles and Barbies.

“A $150 light-up unicorn no one played with.”

“Bins overflowing with stuff.”

“I had this huge room in my house, dedicated to toys,” she told ABC News.

Allie and her four kids. Image supplied.

But it was making her stressed.

Allie, a mother of four from Arkansas in the US, says she was constantly cleaning it, putting stuff away, just to keep herself sane.

“I’d send the kids into the playroom and they’d dump out a few things. They’d be back moments later, saying they were bored and asking for snacks," she said.

She says every day she’d wait longing for naptime and bedtime.

Survival mode.

“I didn’t enjoy [my kids]. They were a bother to me…I thought that was ‘just the way it was.'”

Allie says she wasn't enjoying motherhood. Image supplied.

One particularly stressful day, in a move that most of us can relate to, she locked herself in her bathroom while her kids, Bella, 7, Leland, 5, Hudson, 4, and Emmet, 2 were napping.

She knew it was time to work out exactly why she was so anxious.

“I was having this meltdown. I was stressed all the time. I thought, ‘This is not where I want to be.’ In that moment, I decided to break down what it was that wasn’t working,” she told Scary Mommy

The stuff.

It was chaos and clutter. The mess. The constant tantrums and fighting over toys.

So she threw it all out.

Allie's children now just have this one box of toys. Image supplied.

Well, not all of it Allie explains.

She asked them what they wanted to keep and put it all into one small plastic bin, and kept a separate one for Lego (cause you know, its LEGO.)

“All of their toys fit into that bin.”

That’s four children and one bin of toys.

Allie's one bin of toys. Image Supplied.

The results she says were instant.

While she feared complaints from her kids she says they were excited. Overnight she says things changed.

“I had been so resentful of my husband, telling him, ‘you have no idea what I go through all day,’ but after the toys were gone I immediately felt lighter. I had so much less stress," she said.


She told Good Morning America her four kids are now “exceptionally close”.

What they now do, she said, is use their imaginations to make up games with things as simple as a broomstick.

“That’s all they do all day. Together. There’s no more ‘I was playing with that,’" she said, “because they don’t have those things anymore.”

Of course, not everyone is happy with her solution. Allie says she has received backlash from strangers on the Internet telling her she is selfish and that she is depriving her kids, but she says they have no idea.

“I did for me,” she says.

“The reason I did this was because my kids were suffering from their mum being depressed. We’re all happier now, and my kids are thriving.”

It’s a common problem.

Clutter elevates our stress levels. Image via IStock.

A 2012 study from UCLA’s Center on the Everyday Lives of Family showed that managing the amount of clutter in a house “was such a crushing problem in many homes that it actually elevated levels of stress hormones for mothers.”

Jean Arnold, an anthropologist at the University of California, Los Angeles told that mothers who describe their home offices, bedrooms, and pantries as “complete disaster zones” had higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol than those who identified their spaces as restful and spacious.

“We were able to identify a troubling health trend,” said Professor Arnold.

“The physiological stress that occurs among women who see their homes as cluttered may have some long-term health consequences.”

Go on any Facebook group for mums and you will see a constant chatter about storage and organisation, about systems and simply how to manage all the stuff you accumulate.

It’s something we all want to overcome but not many of us know how.

Except Allie.

Allie says that after the success of her own experience she decided to help others and started up a website The Purposeful Housewife.

On the site she says that once she got rid of her stuff she felt “lighter”.

“I finally shook my depression and it never came back. I had more free time, I was actually enjoying and playing with my kids, I was happier, I was fulfilled, I was able to serve my family and be the best version of myself.”

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Top Comments

Fe 8 years ago

I just did a giant cull of my kids toys too! It would have been bigger except my husband was there saying things like "but she loves that stuffed cactus" and "you can't give away the plastic airport, Mum gave it to her!"
Next time I'll make sure he isn't around during a clean up!

antipop 8 years ago

Best thing i ever did! My son has never played with toys, except in the bath. I kept the bath toys, donated the rest. As long as he has a bike and a football, he is happy, and so am i. :)