
Melrose Place with emoticon subtitles is scary accurate.

As any smartphone user will tell you, it is shockingly easy to capture the subtle complexities of all human emotion with a single emoji. Conversations just flow so much smoother when they’re aided by the use of *woman in red dress dancing* and *poo with smiley face*.

So it makes perfect sense that TV and movie subtitles would be making the move into emoji-territory. After all, what could explain a person crying onscreen better than a picture of a sad yellow cat with a single tear?

Artist Cara Rose Defabio totally gets this, so she created “Melroji Place”, an Emoji-subtitled version of Melrose Place for the Emoji Art and Design show (yes – there is an Emoji Art and Design show and if you have to ask why then obviously YOU DON’T GET ART).

Check out the hilarious videos here:

Of course there’s more:





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Top Comments

Helen 10 years ago

This is great. I just wish there was an emojicon for face-palm...

Natasha Watson 10 years ago

miss that show soo much